Another Personality

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"So are we going to sit here and stare at each other or talk about the reason you came here? I wouldn't mind staring at you all day long," Undertaker said smiling at me. I held back my blush looking at him, "Someone came in to see me today and there were things I said that I wouldn't really say.." I cut short of all the drama and yelling and got straight to the point. Because surely he has better things to do than just help me with these kind of things. "Well depends." He stated, okay like that was going to help. I know he can help more but I wasn't going to go full on in detail of what happened because I am scared of what he thinks.

"For some reason I felt like Ciel Phantomhive, emotionless. And thinking negative of everything and acting like if I am someone else. I feel like there is another person in me.. you understand?" I asked/explained in a more but still less detailed way. He nodded with his hand on his chin as in a thinking way. "Well seems to me; in the most telled way, you have another personality. Now it might not sound sane because it could get you in trouble and you can get rid of it. Most people that had this second identity that hasn't gotten rid of it still live a normal life." He stopped talking and toppled over in laughter, I looked at him questioning wondering what was so funny.

"How ironic" He said, "What?" I asked, I was lost and confused. I wanted to be mad at him but I can't be mad at him at the same time. "They live a normal life but they weren't normal, they weren't humans" He finished. I nodded and then thought 'aren't I not human either?'

"Undertaker?" I asked calling his name. "Hm? You can call me Adrian deary heh" I blushed trying to recover from the blush all over my face. "Uh Adrian, you say the people who had a second personality were not human yet I have a second set of nature and I'm not human?" I said unsure really of what I was trying to get at, but he understood. "Ah yes! But believe it or not- you're being watched" He said seriously. I stepped back creeped out by what he meant. "Watched?! By who??" I was freaking out inside. With a straight face he looked back at me and told me, "I don't know by who. But there is someone more powerful than all of us and they chose to look over your life seeing which and what road you're life is heading towards. Sometimes they are the reason you have those bad dreams."

I was scared. I didn't know what or even who to turn to after hearing this. "First, do I know who it is? And second how can I get them off my back?" I asked, "Well.." He started off "I wouldn't say if you know them or not. And there is possibly no way to get rid of them, but what I do know is they may seem like a bad person cause how their treating your life but they want you to find out yourself who you really are. And their actually doing this as a good way but you shouldn't think too much about it." He informed me, answering my question. "Okay" I breathed nodding. Adrian than started laughing "So how about that laugh now hehehehe" I smiled looking at him unsure but gave in soon.

"Your best friend has three girlfriends. Their names are Doe, Ray, and Me. All 3 wants to do something special so they set up some dates. Three days ago Doe kisses him. Two days ago Ray gives him vaginal sex. Yesterday, who sucks his dick?" I laughed a little thinking on it, knowing it was super inappropriate but Adrian thought otherwise, and busted out in laughter the whole shop shook! I fell on the floor, "Ouch" I muttered but it couldn't be heard. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OH MY HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Adrian shouted falling, hurled curled on the floor holding onto his stomach. Since I had gotten the info I needed and Adrian was so distracted still by the joke so I just left with a smile on my face seeing Leo.

"A Joke?" He asked looking down at me as I got back on the horse, "Yes and a very funny one" I replied. As on our horses saddle riding back to my manor I wanted to tell Leo about what Adrian had told me; about someone watching me but I didn't know how to bring up the topic. Nor did I want to make it awkward because than he will make some kind of remark that I won't have a comeback for and I really rather do what  Undertaker had said. Not too think about it too much.

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