Say Goodbye

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Well, that was it. I'm really feeling some mixed emotions now that the story have ended. I'm sad because it's over. But good and happy because this way basically the first story I wrote and yes it did take a long ass time but with all the reads and comments and votes it became to something I enjoyed doing. I bet if they had a fucking dislike button or something that it would have over a million dislikes hahaa .... I know I'm lame.

But everyone I hope you have enjoyed it for those who read this story from the beginning and now. It means so much to me like you don't even know! But to everyone, once again I do hope you have a great year, this year in 2017. And may anything that is an obstacle in your life-you will get over them and become better than other because,


Thank you again for my readers!! I guess this is goodbye from me, to you in this story.

Black Butler x reader #Watty2016#JustWriteIt COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now