Regret It

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Once it was morning -even though I have not slept. I got out of bed and ran out the room and passed by Leon on the way, "Oh! Can you get me a drink of water? I'm drowsy?" I questioned in my lie which made Leon concern but still did as I asked, I walked very fast to my study and went to the comer calling the Phantomhives; it rang.. And rang.. And rang. Till finally Ciel answered. I thought it was weird but I didn't question that because of what happened last night. "Ciel Phantomhive, who is this?" He demanded, I wanted to ask- "Hey buddy! How come you're answering the phone and not your butler?!" But I 'ought to be polite. "Ciel? Hello, this is (Y/N) (L/N)!" I happily spoke into the phone, even though I wasn't really that happy. I started to hear him stutter over the phone, "Uh ye-yeah! Hey!" I chuckled on how cute that was of him. "Hi" I once again greeted, "I just called to ask -is Finny there?" The side of the line sounded like if I lost him, "Hello? Ciel? You there?" I asked repeatedly 'til he finally answered but sounded upset from the tone of his voice. "He's busy, but whatever you need I can help you with" He gladly, covered which was sweet but not like him, I blushed at the thought of talking to Ciel like how it ended last time. "Uh no thank you! Bye!" I hung up and sat on the big wheeled chair in my office swirling around thinking what to do- I ran into the kitchen seeing Leon gazing out the window; "Leon! What are you doing!?" I yelled in distressed.

"I apologize -my queen" he bowed, making me blush. He knew when I was younger and played hide and seek or any child like game with him and he had called me a queen always made me feel like I was full of power and special. "Ah never mind that! I need you to take me to Ciel's manor" I ordered, "For what for?" He asked me curious for such a trip on such short notice. "I need to speak with Finny is all" He nodded understating that Finny is special, Finny is my best friend.

*yo time skip*

We arrived and I saw Sebastian, "Ooh! Hi Sebastian!!" I waved smiling, I had to act like I'm happy because I know for sure that Leon can sense when I'm not. And I don't want to talk about what happened and all last night with anyone but Finny! "Hello (Y/N)" He greeted back kissing the back of my hand, I blushed remembering back on when his lips weren't only on my hand. My face turned crimson at such thoughts- "Ahem are you okay my lady?" I heard from behind me coming from Leon, "aha yes! Sebastian is Finny here?" He nodded, "Right this way" he directed me to the garden- of course. I thanked him walking in the garden looking to EXACTLY where is Finny as Leon and Sebastian walked away.

"Don't try anything funny" Leon said the with his eyes squinting, Sebastian made a dramatic shocked face; "Me?" He dramatically gasped, "Shut it! You know I'm talking about you!" Leo yelled jabbing his finger to Sebastian's chest. "I'm not who you should be worried about- in fact it's my master you should worry about, I heard he wanted to be involved with (Y/N)'s life~" Sebastian said walking inside the manor into the library to clean the shelves. It took Leo seconds to figure what he meant and to run after the butler pressing on to what more he knows. "I can't let out all details about my master, unlike you I am in a contract." Leo stayed quiet looking at the demon butler, "Even if I'd like to- I can't let such an outsider know all secrets of the Phantomhives. Why, I am one hell of a butler." Sebastian finished angering Leo as Leo stomped his way out of the library.

"Finny! Oh Finny!" I called out his name while I walked further to the garden, "Right here!" He shouted happily scaring me "Ah! Oh my goodness! Finny you scared me!" I laughed "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! Please forgive me!" I pat him head in a motherly way, "it's fine of course I forgive you" as I comfort him we both walked to a bench and sitting next to each other, "So do you have a special business with the young master?" He started to ask, I shook my head. "No not at all, I actually called him earlier to see if you were here and he said you were busy but I had to come right away still" I explained, "you came to visit me?! Oh (Y/N) that's so nice of you!" I smiled at how he somehow always happy, but I didn't blame him. Because he was outside everyday! Never cooped up inside and tortured! "Haha yes! I actually wanted to talk to you about something" I looked down at the grass, "well what is it?" He asked curiosity peeking his interest, "well last night I was looking at this star-" I started off but he cut me off, "I didn't see no stars" it was strange for us both. As he gave me the go to continue, which I did I told him everything only about what the woman said to me and disappeared. He rubbed the bottom of his chin no longer happily excited, but curious. "That's strange, (Y/N)" he told me, "I know. That's why I told you." He got quiet then spoke up again, "Have you told anyone else other than me?" He asked, I shook my head no and he struggled to know what to say. "I'm sorry (Y/N), I wish I really could help but I don't know what to say. I would let you go home with plu-plu to protect you but I don't the young master and mister Sebastian would let me" he scratched the back of his head, "I get it" I understood what he meant and kissed his cheek, a butterfly came our way and landed on my nose. "(Y/N)!" Finny whispered yelled astonished, I smiled carefully not to scare the butterfly away. We both tried to touch it but it flew away and Finny and I saw Ciel stomping towards us, "Uhh young master!?" Finny started to freak out but I had a plan. "Shush Finny!" I hushed him taking him by the wrist and running in the woods climbing a tree with Finny not that far behind. "Why did you do that?!" Finny asked, "I need to get what we talked about off my mind. Plus Ciel looks funny when he's mad." I smiled sweetly, he nodded laughing when we peeked through the branches leaves seeing Ciel grumbling like a kid not getting candy.

"(Y/N)! I think I might fall!" Finny whispered yelled scared of course I turned around seeing him on the edge, "oh my god Finny!" I tried to pull him up but I wasn't strong enough. The tree branch snapped and we both looked at each other with fear showing in both our eyes and before we touched the ground Leon held both of us by the collar of Finny's shirt and me by the wrist but gently putting us on the ground, "How'd you know we'd fall?!" Surprised Finny asked Leon, "I just happen to be at the right place at the right time" he winked. "(Y/N)!" Ciel shouted my name running to me. I smiled forgetting I was trying not to talk to him, "Oh hey Ciel!" I waved, he turned around and faced Finny yelling at him about how I was almost hurt. "Hey! You don't yell at him like that!" I walked up to the short cute blue haired short tempered boy, "one moment (Y/N), they are my servants and not yours" I got in front of his face and slapped him across his face- "How dare you disrespect me by scolding at my dear friend that way! Ciel Phantomhive, mark my words but do that again and you will regret being born!" I threaten walking off to the carriage with Leo trailing behind me.

Just like that woman said-

I am (Y/N) (L/N). What I say, goes. I will be on top of the world with all of them begging for mercy- I will have every single one of them regret being conceived, I WILL make their lives a living hell. I am a walking Sinful Saint, watch me.

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