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Rowan's POV

The next day was Friday. Thank god it's Friday.

It was pretty hot that day so I wore something light.

I did my regular routine and went downstairs to Ryan faced down on the couch.

"Come on Ryan we've got to go to school. I know you hate it and stuff but so do I." I said standing over him.

He flipped on his back and looked at me.

"I'm just stressed." He said rubbing his eyes.

"Why? It's literally the second day back." I said sitting on the arm rest.

He sat up and looked at his knees.

"You wouldn't understand." He mumbled.

"Ryan, I am your sister. I understand all of life's problems." I rolled my eyes.

"Well there is this girl named Stephanie at our school and she is in my 5th period and we talked yesterday and during summer and stuff. But then she said she thought I was a cool guy last night and I thought to myself, cool? Just cool?"

"It hurts Ryan, but it'll hurt your grade even more if you don't go to school."


"Good morning class today we'll be learning about-" and that's when I stopped listening to Mr. Irwin.

He seems like a good chemistry teacher but I tend to not pay attention what so ever.

"Rowan? Can you pass these out to the class?" Mr. Irwin asked holding a stack of papers.

I got out of my seat and passed them out to everyone.

I felt kinda nervous standing up and walking around as people watched me.

"Alright class we will be reading this page today and tomorrow you will have a quiz on this element."

Mr. Irwin let us read the page on our own which I did not do.

Instead, I thought of Mr. Hood.

The bell rang and I started to put the paper in my back pack.

I noticed that everyone was out of the classroom once I started to leave.

"Good day Ms. Collins and tell Mr. Hood I said hello." Mr. Irwin called out.

I ignored Mr. Irwin and walked out the door.

I finally got to Mr. Hemmings class.

"Students I have made a seating chart listen for your name and sit where I tell you to." He said flipping through papers on a clip board.

He went on with names until there was only 1 large desk left and only me and another person left.

"Rowan Collins and finally Michael Clifford." He pointed to the table in the back.

Everyone got there own seat but not us? We have to sit at a 2 person table. I don't even know him.

"Alright class this is your year round partner."

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