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Rowan's POV

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, Row! Your mother and I are going to be in town for a day, we are on our way to the house as we speak. Tell Ryan to get dressed. We will be there to pick you guys up in 10."



The 4 of us walked into a fancy restaurant that barely opened last month.

"Hello my name is Grace and I will be your server," She smiled at us,"What do you want to start off with?" She sweetly asked.

"I'll have water." I smiled.

We all ended up getting water.

"So how have you guys been?" Dad asked.

There's something going on.

Ryan and I exchanged glances.

"What's going on?" I huffed putting the napkin on my lap.

"Why do you suspect something is going on?" Mom questioned sipping her water.

"It's just-"

"Okay what will we have today to eat?" The waiter asked.


As I saw that everyone was done eating, I began to proceed my questioning.

"Mom, Dad? Why did you take us out to eat?" I asked.

"Can't parents take their children out to eat?"

"Well not if they have only seen them 2 times this year."

"Don't use that tone, Rowan." Dad fiercely said.

Hm. That sounds like something Calum would say.

"There is obviously something going on! What is it for fuck sakes!" I calmly said to them.

My parents gave me a surrendered glance.

"Just say it Bill, we should have told them sooner.." Mom carelessly said with her head down.

Dad looked at Ryan and I with a hesitant look.

I gave Dad a sympathetic smile.

He exhaled before he spoke.

"Your mother and I love you both," He cleared his throat,"Very very much, but there comes a time when the parents just don't love each other." He said before blankly looking at Mom.

"So in that case,"

Please don't say what I think your going to say.

"We're getting a divorce." Mom said.

I think my heart bursted in my chest because I can feel hot liquid in my chest.

"W-what?" I quietly said with tears at my tear ducts.

"Divorce, Rowan. Divorce." Mom angrily replied.

"I just knew this would happen." Ryan whispered.

"Look, your mother is going to keep the house and half of the money that we share. You guys, I will still have custody." Dad said.

"For a year?" I sarcastically laughed.


"This is bullshit." I said placing my napkin on the table.

"You guys aren't getting a divorce just because you "don't love each other anymore"." Ryan angrily said.

I looked at Ryan's hands, they were gripping the sides of the chair. His hands were so tight on the chair that they turned white.

"I love someone else." Mom spoke looking at her plate.

I swore my heart stopped working.

"You mean like," I gulped,"Another man?" I asked holding back my anger.

"Yes, that is correct." She nodded looking at Ryan.


"So, Calum. How have Rowan and Ryan been treating you?" Mom questioned Mr. Hood before sipping her coffee.

"Ryan is a good pal. Rowan on the other hand has been iffy. Respectful but sassy to the max." Mr. Hood chuckled unfolding his hands and ruffling his hair.

I sat in the living room, listening to Mr. Hood making up lies and stories of his "time" being here.

"Calum, may Rowan go over for a while at your house? Ryan is going over to his friends house. Bill and I need to sort out stuff." Mom asked sweetly.

"Yeah of course." Mr. Hood smiled.

"Thanks so much, Calum! You're a life saver." Mom exclaimed walking out of the kitchen.


Mr. Hood and I entered his house.

He lived in a nice condo with lots of other neighbors.

"Nice place you have." I awkwardly complemented looking around.

"Thanks." He smiled walking up the stairs.

I stood there watching the silk curtains sway in front of a big window.

"Are you coming or not?" He said from the top of the stairs.

I couldn't see him because his stairs were narrow.

Making my way up the stairs, I could hear him quietly singing.

"Your voice is beautiful." I said when I reached the top of the stairs.

"Uh, thanks."

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