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Rowan's POV

"Hey Row." Mom said walking into the living room.

"I thought you were already gone." I said looking at the tv.

"Oh no I am staying in town for another day. I want you to meet my new uh boyfriend."

Boyfriend? My mother?

"Oh. What's his name?" I asked looking at her.

"John." She smiled.

"What does he do for a living?" I asked returning my attention to the tv.

"Well, he doesn't have a job. He kinda does but he kinda doesn't." She nervously said.

"What does he kinda do?" I giggled changing the channel.

"He's a realtor." She proudly said.

"So when am I going to meet this 'John' you speak of?" I asked making eye contact with her.



The door bell rang which meant John was here for dinner.

"I will get it!" Mom announced making her way to the door.

She opened the door and started talking all mushy.

"John, this is my daughter Rowan, Rowan this is my boyfriend John." She said clinging to him.

"Hi." I fake smiled.

"Call your brother to come down and eat dinner with us."


"So um," My mom hesitated, "John wants to take Ryan and you to Disneyland. How about it? Next weekend." She said with a smile.

Ryan and I looked at each other with no expressions.

"Yeah that would be nice?" I quietly said looking at my plate.

"You don't seem to happy with that." Mom said narrowing her eyes at me when I looked up.

I shrugged carefully setting down my fork.

"I think I am done with today." I said before leaving the table.


Michael and I have been watching How I Met Your Mother all day in my room.

He wanted to hang out with me before I went off for the weekend.

I heard Mom's voice from downstairs.

Michael and I walked into the living room where my mother was.

"John, honey! We're leaving!"

There was loud footsteps down the stairs.

"Hi Michael, how's your mother?" Mom sweetly said with a warm smile.

"She's good. She wanted me to get out of the house so, here I am." He chuckled making my Mom laugh.

"Oh Rowan can you get my charger from the kitchen." She said looking into her bag.

I went to the kitchen to go unplug moms charger.


We were half way to Disneyland.

John went on and on about how he sold a million dollar house.

"My god." I muttered when he brought up another sale he made.

"Problem, Rowan?" John said in a stern voice.

"Yeah, all you've been talking about is houses." I said in annoyance.

"It's my job, wouldn't you want to tell everyone how your success happened?" He said glaring at me through the rear mirror.

I stayed quiet hoping this weekend would go by fast.

"And what's with all the black? Who died?" He laughed making my cheeks burn a bright red.

Ryan gave me a worried look as if I was about to burst into tears.

"Oh honey, her favorite color is black." Mom laughed looking back at me.

"No my favorite color is green." I protested.

As a kid, I have always enjoyed the color green and she always knew that. Is Mom going act stupid in front of him?


After we got off of Thunder Mountain, I decided to go to the bathroom.

Once I walked out Ryan, Mom, and John were sitting on a bench with a bored expression on their faces.

"Let's go." I said standing in front of them.

They all got up and headed over to Finding Nemo.


Finally home.

(A/N sorry i didn't know what to write for the disneyland part.)

It was now 8:35 PM and I planned on not going to school tomorrow. My throat hurt badly and my ears were starting to hurt.

I walked up to my room to find it being the same as it was before.

My phone started to vibrate which meant I had an incoming call.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey. On a scale from 1-10 how tired are you?" Michael questioned.

"Um about a 5?"

"Great! Meet us outside in 5 minutes. Don't plan on going to school tomorrow."

He hung up.

i am always so tempted to update but i want this book to go on for a while. thanks for reading 💙

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