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Calum's POV

"She loves you God damnit!" Michael shouted at me.

I heard a gasp and a thump.

"Rowan!" Michael yelled running to the kitchen.

I didn't see Rowan in the kitchen from my view.

"Call an ambulance!" Luke yelled squatting down.

I walked into the kitchen, slightly panicked.

"Don't stand there, you idiot! Call the damn ambulance!" Michael screamed at me while putting his 2 fingers behind Rowan's ear.

She could be dying and we just fought.

I quickly ran to my room, grabbed my phone, and called.

"911 what's your emergency?" The lady asked.

"My girlfriend just collapsed and I don't know if she has a pulse or not!" I panicked feeling my body shaking.

"Tell me your location."

"3040 Brim Wood Street!"

"Okay, sir. Remain calm. Help is on the way as we speak." She calmly replied.

"Thank you." I said before I hung up.

I quickly ran back down stairs and into the kitchen.

"Does she have a pulse?" I panicked.

"Yeah, but it's very weak." Luke frowned.

"I can't believe myself!" I yelled pacing back and forth.

"I don't know! One minute she was standing and the next minute she collapsed!" Michael exclaimed.

I saw how Michael was starting to tear up.

"Don't leave me, Rowan. You are my everything. Please don't leave me. You make me so happy. Your probably the only reason why I smile every day is because your smile and your laugh makes me feel great. Don't you dare leave me Collins." Michael sobbed.


Michael, Ashton, Luke, Ryan, and I sat in the waiting room nervous as hell.

"Rowan Collins?" The doctor called out walking into the waiting room.

All of us stood up which we received a surprised look on the doctors face.

"Is she okay?" Ryan nervously asked.

"She is going to be okay," The doctor replied.

All of us sighed in relief.

"Although, we have found that she will not be the same as she was." The doctor explained.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Well, she has this sickness that hasn't yet been clearly researched on. Studied on, I should say. Yet, there is a cure for this particular sickness."

The doctor wasn't being very specific on what is going to be wrong with her.

"So what are the changes?" Michael asked chewing his bottom lip.

"She will experience low energy, occasionally vomiting, mood swings, pains all over her body, and limited communication." He explained.

"Is she okay to go to school?" Ashton asked with furrowed eye brows.

This ass is worried about school.

"She will have to stay home from school for a week." The doctor replied.

"Okay, when can when we see her?" Ashton asked nervously.

"You may see her right now, follow me."

We followed the doctor into what seemed to be Rowan's room.

"Alright now, who is her current supervision or guardian?"

"I am." I said.

"Swell. Follow me."

I jolted up hitting my head on the top bunk.

Ashton's guest bedroom isn't the comfiest.

I've been dreaming of Rowan lately.

Every night that I haven't spent at her house, she was always on my mind.

It was almost impossible to stop thinking of her.

Being at my house is to depressing since I'm mostly alone.

I always have urges to call her or text her but obviously she wanted me out of her house which is perfectly fine.

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