The Contest

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Brianna's POV

"They are like gods." My best friend Sam says to me. We are just sitting on my bed staring at a poster of the most 5 amazing guys you will ever lay your eyes upon, One Direction. We both have been obsessed ever since we first watched them on the X-Factor.

I sigh as I stare at the most luscious brown curls. "They really are."

"Do you think one of us won?" She asks me.

"Doubt it." We were talking about a
contest we both had entered. It was a contest where the winner and a friend gets to be taken on a date with Harry Styles and Niall Horan. The winner and a friend would be flown to London and given some spending money and a free hotel room for one whole week. The date would be set on the night the winners were flown in. Sam and I screamed at the top of our lungs when we found the contest and entered right away. We both agreed if one of us won we would bring the other with. We didn't need a parent because we were both 19 and living together in our own apartment in L.A. I couldn't contain my excitement. But I doubt I won. Or even Sam.

"Wow thanks for destroying my dreams Bri."

"Shut up you know its true." I respond.

Sam just sighs. "Yeah. I know."

All of a sudden, Best Song Ever starts blasting and the sound fills the room. I smile at my ringtone and look at my screen. "Hmm."

"Who is it?" Sam asks.

"I don't know. I don't have this number in my phone." I shrugged and answered it. "Hello?

"Hi, is this Brianna Scott?" A British woman's voice rang through my phone.

"Yes this is she. Who is asking?"

"This is Mary Anderson calling regarding a contest you entered a few weeks ago. A contest that involves a date with two boys from One Direction."

My heart stopped. I gulped. "And?"

"Well congratulations. You won! We are going to email you details about it in a few minutes and we will send you the plane tickets as well. We would also need the name of the friend you would like to bring and their contact information."

I screamed. "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD ARE YOU SERIOUS? THAT'S AWESOME! OH MY GOD." Sam jumps when I scream and just stares at me. She mouths "Who is it?"

"Um, yes I understand that this is exciting but I need the name and info of the friend you would like to bring." Mary says.

I calm down a little. "Oh yeah of course. Her name is Samantha Madison." Sam just looks at me wide eyed and confused as I give Mary her number and email.

"Great thanks. Your flight leaves at 8 tomorrow morning. Check your email in a few minutes and the rest of the details will be there." Mary explains. I take a deep breath and say goodbye to Mary and hang up. I turn to see Sam staring at me with a confused look on her face. "What the flying fladoodle was that?" She asks me.

I look at her and smile like an idiot. "I won. I won the contest." Sam's jaw drops and all she says is "You're joking."

"Pack your bags miss Sammy pants. Tomorrow at 8, we leave for London."

-I hope you all liked the first chapter! I will update whenever I can. This is my first story ever so don't judge too much if I have spelling errors or something. Enjoy the story!-

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