Meeting The Girls

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Brianna's POV


I jump up from the couch when I hear Louis voice.

"AH THERE SHE IS." Louis says as he walks into the room holding the hand of his girlfriend, Eleanor.

"Eleanor, I would like you to meet the Carrot Princess," he pauses as he points to me. He continues and points to Sam. "And this is her peasant."

"Excuse me?" Sam says as she crosses her arms. "Peasant?"


"Oh my god really?" Sam rolls her eyes at him.

Eleanor giggles. "Don't worry, you get used to his shenanigans. Hi, I'm Eleanor." She says reaching her hand out.

"I'm Sam." She takes her hand and shakes it.

Eleanor turns to me. "And you must be Brianna then?"

"Yupperoni that's me." I give her a smile.

"Well it's really nice meeting you both. To my understanding of Zayns text message we are all going to dinner?" She asks with a smile. My gosh she's beautiful! And so nice!

"That is correct." I answer.

"Ooo! You girls should go shopping with Danielle and I." Eleanor says.

"Ooo shopping?" We all turn to find Danielle standing in the doorway with Liam.

"Hey Dani! I was just telling Brianna and Sam that they should go shopping with us sometime!" Eleanor greets Danielle.

Danielle smiles. "That sounds lovely! Hi I'm Danielle!" She introduces herself and we do the same.

"I've heard great things about you girls from Liam. Especially how you kicked the boys arses while having an epic battle with water guns!" Danielle says.

We all laugh until we hear a voice coming from behind me.

"Well we wouldn't have gotten our asses handed to us if Louis didn't fall on me." Zayn says coming up behind me and putting his arm around me.

"I already told you! I slipped!" Louis says.

"And I already told you that I TOTALLY believe you."

"Boys." I say. Here we go again.

"Okay Malik, you wanna dance? Lets dance!" Louis comes up to Zayn and starts doing a weird dance.

"Bring it!" Zayn starts to do an even stranger dance.

"Um, I don't think the phrase 'Lets Dance' really means to dance." Niall says coming up behind Sam and takes her hand.

"Ooo what's this?" Danielle says pointing at Niall and Sams intertwined hands.

"We're dating." Niall says proudly.

"Aww Nialler has a girlfriend!" Eleanor says.

"What did I tell you? DO NOT TOUCH MY HAIR!" Zayn screams.


"Oh you don't like that?" Louis says as he spits in his hand and runs it through Zayns hair.

We all gasp.

"Oh you did NOT just do that!" Zayn says tackling Louis to the ground.

"BOYS WE ALREADY WENT THROUGH THIS. STOP." I yell but they ignore me.

"Oh my freaking god really?" I say as a tackle Zayn off of Louis and twist his nipples.


"Haha Zayn!" Louis sticks his tongue out. I reach and twist his nipples.

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