The Rock

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Harry'a POV

I was coming back from the lodge with Sam who had just taught me my first piano lesson.

We walked in silence for a few seconds before she finally spoke up.

"So, are you ever gonna tell me why you want to learn how to play the piano?" She asks.

"No." I smirk.

She hits my arm. "Harry come on! If I'm gonna teach you then I want to know why!"


She smirks at me. "Fine. Then no more lessons."

I stop walking. "What? No!"

She also stops walking. "Then tell me!"

I stand there silent for a moment.

"Does it have something to do with Brianna?" She asks.

I don't say anything and look down. "Maybe."

"Ha! I knew it!" She says pointing a finger at me.

"Oh shut up." I say.

We start walking again.

"I wrote a song." I break the silence.

"You wrote a song?"


"Harry." Sam begins. "Brianna is with Zayn."

"I know I know. It doesn't mean I still can't do it though." I say.

We pass Liam, Danielle, Louis, and Eleanor who are fishing at the docks.

"Catch anything?" Sam asks and Liam and Danielle turn around.

"Eleanor caught something." Liam says smirking.

"What'd she catch?" I ask.

"A Louis." Danielle laughs.

I look at Eleanor who is currently trying to get a hook out of Louis' neck.

"Oh my god El." I shake my head laughing.

"It's not my fault! He came up behind me while I was casting!" She explains.

"Oh so it's my fault?" Louis butts in.

"Yes you dumbass!"

We all laugh except for Louis who is glaring at Eleanor.

"Would you hold still?"

"I'm sorry but there's sort of a hook in my neck!"

I turn to walk away when I see a person sitting on a giant rock up the hill. Is that Brianna?

I start to walk up the hill and she hasn't noticed me yet because she's looking down.

She hears my footsteps and looks up. Her eyes are red and I could tell she had been crying.

I climb up on the rock and sit next to her.

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

She ignores my question and stares out on the lake. I turn my head.

"The view is amazing, isn't it?" She says.

I look at her and smile. "Not as amazing as this one."

She looks at me and gives me a weak smile. "I'd come here when I was little with my grandmother. We'd go on walks around the campground and we would always come here at the end of the walk. She would tell me stories as we stared out onto the lake."

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