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Brianna's POV

"So how have you been Brianna Boo?" Danny asks me.

I smile at my nickname. "It's been pretty good. I recently moved to Los Angeles with Sam." I answer.

"Wow. LA, huh?" He says.


We reach my camper to find everybody sitting and hanging out on the deck. They all focus their attention on us once they see us.

"Hey guys!" I say. "I want you to meet my longtime friend, Danny."

"THIS is Danny?" Zayn asks.

"Hi! Nice to meet you. And you are?" Danny greets.

"I'm Zayn. Brianna's BOYFRIEND." He says emphasizing the word 'boyfriend'.

Danny turns to me. "You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend, Bri." He smirks.

"Erm, well yeah." I say blushing.

Niall walks up to him. "I'm Niall."

"Ah you're the Irish one?" Danny asks.

"Yup that's me." Niall says walking up to Sam and putting his arm around her waist.

Danny smirks at Sam. "Sammy? Do you also have something to tell me?"

"Niall's my boyfriend." She says.

"Aww my girls are growing up." Danny pinches our cheeks, making us laugh.

Liam and Louis introduce themselves. Then the girls walk up to Danny.

"Well who are these two lovely ladies?" Danny says and Danielle and Eleanor's cheeks turn red.

"I-I'm Eleanor." El says.

"And, um, I'm Danielle." Danielle says.

Louis and Liam have their jaws open watching the girls stutter over Danny. I don't really blame Eleanor and Danielle. I mean, Danny is, well, he's hot.

"And I take it these two boys are your boyfriends?" Danny says pointing to Liam and Louis.

"Oh. Yeah." They say.

I can see Liam and Louis glaring at Danny and I can't help but chuckle to myself.

"Well, anyways, are you guys going to the Fourth of July party on Thursday?" Danny asks.

"Will there be food?" Niall asks.

Danny laughs. "Yes there will be food."

"Then I'm in." Niall says.

"Yeah us too!" Danielle and Eleanor say in unison.

"But we're British." Louis says.

"C'mon lads we never turn down a party." Niall says

After a few moments of silence, Louis finally speaks up. "Ah what the hell I'm in."

"Alright cool! Well I gotta go help my mother clean the cabins. But I'll see you guys later!" He says running off.

Danielle, Eleanor, Sam, and I all watch as he runs away.

"Wow..." Eleanor says dreamily and Danielle smiles.

"ANYWAYS." Louis says loudly. "How bout we all go for a swim?"

"Well, of course after Eleanor and Danielle wipe the drool off of their faces." I say with a smirk.

Eleanor and Danielle both bring their hands up to their faces and quickly wipe away the drool and I laugh.

"Alright everybody! Get your suits on!"

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