Enjoy The Ride

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Brianna's POV

Tears ran down my cheeks as I ran away from everyone.

I had finally shown Harry that I wasn't lying to him. But the fact that he didn't believe me at first and he only believed me after I showed him the recording still made me upset.

"Bri!" I hear Sam yell after me. I hear running footsteps behind me and Sam appears beside me.

"Where are you going?" She asks me out of breath.

"I'm going for a drive." Is all I tell her.

"I'm coming with you." She says and I stop, looking her dead in the eyes.

"No you're not."

"Yes I am."

"No, you are not."

"Yes I am."

"No you-"

"Goddamnit Brianna I am coming with you whether you like it or not." She says sternly.

I sigh. "Fine." There really is no arguing with Sam. One way or another, she's gonna get her way.

We walk up the hill in silence. Occasionally, Sam glances over to me thinking I won't notice.

I'm about to say something when I notice Megan standing next to my car with her back turned.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I stomp over to her and she whips around to face me.

"You ruined everything. You know that?" She snaps.

"I wasn't going to stand back and let you use my friends like that. Especially Harry." I say and she glares at me. "Now if you would please move. I would like to get in my car now."

She smirks at me. "Enjoy the ride." She says before she walks away.

I give Sam a confused look and she shrugs. We get inside my car and I start it. I take the parking break off since we are uphill and put my foot on the gas pedal.

"Bri," Sam breaks the silence. "I am so sorry I didn't believe you. I am such a horrible best friend." Sam apologies while giving me a sad look.


"No really. I never should have- BRI LOOK OUT!"

I look back towards the road to see a kid running right across the road. I slam on my brakes and the kid makes it across the road just fine.

There's only one problem.

My brakes don't work.

"Shit!" I yell and Sam gives me a worried look.

"Bri stop!"

"I can't! My brakes aren't working!" I frantically yell as I repeatedly slam my foot on the brakes and we begin to pick up more and more speed down the hill.

And now I knew what Megan meant by "Enjoy the ride."

That bitch cut my brakes.

"SAM!" I yell right before my car plunges into the lake.

Harry's POV

"I'm such an idiot." I whisper and everyone looks at me.

"We all are. I can't believe we actually believed Megan over Brianna." Niall says and runs a hand through his hair. "I believed her at first. I was the only one who believed her. And then I-" Niall stops and looks down at the ground.

"We have to go apologize to her." Louis speaks up and we all agree. We start heading towards the way Brianna and Sam ran.

We get to the bottom of the hill and I see Brianna's car coming down the hill.

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