The Hangover

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Sam's POV

Oh my god my head hurts.

Where am I?

I open my eyes to be greeted by sunlight coming from the window.

I groan and when my eyes adjust I find I am in the boys hotel room.

I sit up and look around the room.

Oh. My. God.

There is empty beer cans and empty bottles everywhere. And not only that, but silly string and confetti and... Is that a giant purple stuffed animal giraffe?

Wait, where is everyone?

I scanned the room again to find a passed out Liam on the counter.

"Oh my god Liam?" I jump off the couch and run over to him.

He groans and lifts his head up. "Wha? Where am I?"

"Liam I thought you didn't drink last night." I say.

"I think... I think Brianna convinced me to."

Oh my jellybeans. Brianna!

"Where is she? And where is everyone else?" I ask.

Liam sits up and gets off of the counter.

"I- I don't know."

We look around the room. Where are they? I begin to walk but then I trip on something.

"What the hell?" I turn around and look down to find a naked Louis Tomlinson.

"Oh Louis! Eww! Put some clothes on!" He looks up at me, then looks down.

"Oh shit!" He says and looks around for his pants. "Where are my pants?"

I find his pants on the couch and throw them at him.

"Uh... Guys?" We both turn to see Liam looking at the ceiling.

We both look up and gasp.

"How the hell did he get up there?" Louis asks.

We hear a groan and Harry opens his eyes. "What the- what the hell?" He looks around frantically. "Am- am I on the ceiling?" His eyes go wide. "Did you guys duct tape me to the ceiling?"

"I have no idea! I can't remember much from last night." I say. I turn to Louis and Liam. "Do you guys?"

They both shake their heads. "All I remember is that we were playing truth or dare and I dared Brianna to give Harry a lap dance and then she dared me to kiss Liam and...." Louis stops and looks at Liam with wide eyes. "Oh my god! Did we kiss?"

Liam eyes also go wide. "I- I don't remember!"

I tried to think about what happened last night. "No, from what I remember you guys didn't kiss. But you did have to take off your underwear Lou." I answer.

"Oh god so that's why I was naked."


I look up, almost forgetting that he was there.

"Um, how exactly are we getting him down?" Liam asks scratching his head.

"HOW DID I EVEN GET UP HERE?" Harry screams.

"Just calm down we will get you down! Then we have to find out where everyone else is." I say.

"Guys, go get a mattress from one of the bedrooms."

"Why? What are you gonna do?" Liam asks.

"Just go do it guys!"

They go to get a mattress, leaving me alone with Harry.

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