I Love You

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Brianna's POV

I awoke to a bright light shining from the windows.

I groan and close my eyes again. I adjusted a little to get more comfortable.


I can move!

I shoot right up in bed.

"Bri? Is everything okay?" A voice asks me.

I turn my head towards the voice and it was Harry who is laying in bed beside me.

"What happened last night?" I ask.

He gives me a look. "Do you remember anything from last night?"

It all started coming back to me now. Niall saw Harry and Sam kiss. I got upset and decided to get drunk, took a drink from some random guy which happened to have drugs in it, I almost got raped but Harry and the boys saved me.

"Oh." I say. "What happened to the guys?"

"They got arrested."

Thats when I noticed the bruises on his arms. He fought for me... I was about to give him a hug but then I remembered.

Sam and Harry kissed.

"Um, thanks for kicking that guys ass last night. I would've done some of my kick ass ninja moves but I was sort of drugged up." I laugh.

He pulls me into a hug. "I'm so glad you're okay." He whispers.

I don't hug him back.

He pulls back and gives me a weird look. "Are you okay?"

"Oh yeah. Just freaking peachy." I say getting out of bed and walking into the living room.

"BRI!" Seven different voices shout at me.

"Cheese and rice, guys quiet down." I say.


I go to the cupboard and grab a box of cereal. I turn around and everyone is staring at me.

"Guys stop. I'm fine." I reassure them.

They all stop staring and awkwardly look away.

"Well, um El, Danielle, Liam, and I are all going paddle boating." Louis says as they get up from their seats and walk out the door.

I direct my eyes towards Niall and Sam who are holding hands.

I raise an eyebrow. "I see you two have resolved things."

Niall smiles at Sam. "Yeah. And actually Sam, I was wondering if you'd like to go into town with me today and have dinner. Just the two of us. And before that we can go paddle boating with the others."

Sam smiles back. "That sounds lovely."

Sam and Niall exit the camper to join the others leaving me alone with Zayn.


I pour my cereal and put it on the table. I walk back to the kitchen to get a spoon and when I turn around, Zayn is right there.

"Jesus Zayn!" I say.

He doesn't say anything. He just pulls me into a hug.

"Thank god you're okay." He whispers.

I don't hesitate to hug him back. I've missed him. I've missed his hugs.

"I've missed you." I say hugging him tightly.

"I've missed you, too." He says pulling away. "I don't want to ignore each other anymore. I want to be friends."

I nod. "Me too."

We stand there for a moment before he speaks up.

"So friend," he smiles. "Would you like to watch a movie with me?"

I smile. "I'd love too, friend."

He puts Thor in and we start to watch as I eat my cereal. I look over at Zayn and smile.

"Damn it's hot today." He says. "You don't mind do you?"

"No, no. I enjoy Mr. Six Pack." I say laughing.

He laughs and takes off his shirt. I gasp.

"What?" He asks confused.

There was a long fresh scar along his stomach. I observe him more closely and notice he also has bruises and a scar above his eye.

I gulped. I find scars on a guy very hot for some odd reason. And if its because of a fight then it makes it even hotter.

"You okay?" He asks.

"Yeah." I say without taking my eyes off the scar.

He looks down. "Oh yeah. One of the guys had a switchblade and tried to stab me."

I gasp again. "You... You fought for me?"

"Bri, I care about you. I will always fight for you. Just because we broke up doesn't mean I don't care for you."

I smile and hug him. I pull away and continue to stare at the scars while biting my lip.



"You're staring again."

"Sorry it's just... I think fighting is... Kinda.... Hot."

He smirks. I blush and continue eating my cereal.

Harry walks in a few minutes later texting away at his phone.

I raise an eyebrow. "Who are you texting?" I ask and he snaps his head up.

"Oh, this girl I met at the party last night. Her name is Megan. I'm taking her on a date." He responds.

I almost choke on my cereal. I feel a pang of jealousy.

"Oh." I say. "Well have fun."

I don't think he was even listening. He just walked right by me and out the door.

I sit there staring at the door.

Harry's going on a date.

"Bri?" Zayn's voice brings me out of my trance. "You okay?"

"Oh, uh, yeah." I say looking away.

"You're a terrible liar."

I sigh.

"I know."

Sam's POV

"I had a really nice time tonight, Niall." I say taking his hand.

He smiles. "I did, too."

We were walking around the campground after our date. Niall had taken me to dinner after paddle boating with the others. It was an amazing day.

We stop at the docks and he pulls me onto one and stops at the very end of the dock.

The view is stunning. Brianna and I would always come down to the docks when we were bored and just talk with our feet in the water, looking at the lake view. Tonight, the sky is a mixture of pink and orange and the sun was close to setting. Birds flew through the pink sky and the campground was quiet besides the call of the loons.

I smile at the view and I hear Niall clear his throat.

"Sam, I need to tell you something. Something important." He says.

I tense up. He seems really nervous and I'm getting worried about what he might say.


He takes a deep breath and breathes out before talking. "When I saw you kiss Harry, my heart broke." He began and I looked down at my feet feeling guilty.

"It hurt so much. It made me realize how much I really like you. You are the first girl to truly make me feel happy. The very first time I saw your face, I had no words to describe how beautiful you are. To me, you are the most stunning girl in the world. I'm surrounded by millions of girls all of the time and out of all the faces I've seen, yours is the one that stands out in a crowd. Yours is the one that makes me feel happy. Yours is the one that makes me wanna kiss you that very moment. Yours is the one that I can't get enough of. You're absolutely amazing. I've never felt this way before."

I can feel my heart pounding in my chest at his words.

"Sam... I-" he says but he chokes on his words. He tries to speak but nothing comes out.

I grab the back of his neck and pull him in, gently planting my lips on his. His kiss is perfect. Every kiss gets a little sweeter.

I pull away and I lean my forehead on his.

Then, he whispers the words that he's been trying to say.

"I love you."

Harry's POV

"I had fun tonight." Megan smiles at me.

I smile back. "I did, too."

Megan and I had a great time. She's funny, smart, and beautiful. I think I may actually like her.

"Ooo! Lets take a picture together!" She says taking our her phone.

"Uh, okay." I say.

We take the picture then she starts to tap away on her phone.

"This is going on twitter." She says.

I feel a buzz in my pocket and take out my phone seeing that Megan had posted the photo to twitter and tagged me in it.

This is going to be all over the news.

I shrug it off and put my phone back in my pocket.

"So, Harry." She says. "I've been meaning to do something."


She smashes her lips into mine. I'm shocked at first, but I kiss her back. This kiss is rough at first, but it turns sweet.

She pulls back and smiles. "I just kissed Harry Styles!"

I laugh and wrap my arms around her waist to pull her closer.

"Would you like to meet everybody?" I ask her.

"Oh my god really?"

"Yeah, come on!" I grab her hand and we start to run to the camper like children. She laughs and I look back at her and smiles.

We finally get to the top of the hill where everyone is sitting around the campfire.

"Hey everyone." I say and they all focus their attention on us.

"Who's this?" Louis raises and eyebrow at Megan.

Megan gets closer to me and answers, "I'm Megan. Now Harry's girlfriend."

Everyone gasps. Wait, I didn't ask her to be my girlfriend.

Well, she is a wonderful girl and I do like her a lot. I guess she can be my girlfriend.

"Congratulations, mate." Liam says.

Everyone is smiling except for one person.


"What's wrong, Bri?" I ask her.

She gets up from her seat.

"Nothing. Everything's peachy." She says as she walks past me and down the hill.

I watch her walk away and I'm confused.

"Bri!" I yell and I know she can hear me but she ignores me and keeps walking.

Whats her deal?

"Where is she going?" I ask.

Sam sighs. "I know where she's going."


But Harry now has a girlfriend. Do you think she's bad news or do you like her so far? Comment, vote, and share :)

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