Orange Juice

556 14 2

Harry's POV

The second limo pulls up. Ok then lets get this over with.

A brunette with a navy blue dress walks in. Wow. She's actually really pretty. I hear Niall gasp and I turn to face him. I smirk when I see he's staring at her with wide eyes and practically drooling. Oooo looks like Nialls got a little crush. I chuckle and turn to face the girl only to find another girl in a light blue dress with curly blonde hair.

My mouth drops when I see her. My god she's- she's beautiful. Especially her eyes. Her dark blue eyes that are staring at me. Wait. Oh god she's looking at me. She's looking right at me. What do I do? Oh god she's walking over here. Just be cool Styles.

The two girls walk over to us. Niall is the first to speak. Of course he says hello to the brunette first and then the blonde and asks for their names.

The blonde speaks. "Well, um, I'm Brianna,"

Brianna. So that's her name. I liked it. It's a pretty name.

They're all staring at me now including Niall. Did I do something?

"Oh, thank you." Brianna says.

What? Oh god I said that she had a pretty name out loud didn't I? Oh way to go Styles.

"And, um this is Sam." She points to the brunette.

"Nice to meet you both." Niall says, still smiling at Sam. I noticed that I was staring at Brianna and she was staring right back at me. I quickly look away. Smooth Styles.

"Excuse me? You're table is ready." A guy who must be our waiter says. We follow him to the back. I realize that, yet again, I was staring at Brianna. I couldn't help it. There was something about her...

We got to our table and sat down. Niall and I were on one side and Brianna and Sam were on the other. Our waiter then handed us menu and asked if we wanted anything to drink.

"Water, please." Niall says.

"Same here." I say.

"Yeah, me too." Sam says.

"Um, do you guys have orange juice?"

We all stare at Brianna who had asked for orange juice. It was 6 in the evening why the fladoodle would she want orange juice? I see Sam face palm in the corner of my eye.

"Um, yes we do. Would you like some then?" He smiles at her.

"Yes please." She says with a smile on her face. Wow. Her smile is... Beautiful.

Ok Mr. Creeper you can stop that now.

The waiter leaves and we all stare at her. "Orange juice?" Niall asks with a smirk on his face.

"What. I like orange juice." Brianna says blushing. Gosh was she cute.

"More like she's in love with it." Sam laughs.

Brianna is blushing even harder now. I smile at her. " I like orange juice too. No need to be embarrassed." I say to her and she smiles back.

The waiter comes back within a few minutes and takes our order. I'm not surprised at how much food Niall has ordered but I am when Brianna orders even more.

"She also likes to eat. A lot." Sam says making Brianna flick her nose. "Ow! Hey it's true!" Sam flicks Brianna's nose back.

Well this is gonna be a fun dinner.

The dinner was going great. The food was delicious and we all got along really well. We finished our food and our waiter came over.

"Was everything alright?"

"My god it was amazing." Brianna says and Niall nods in agreement.

"Would you like anything else?" He asks.

We all looked at each other and shook our heads. We were full.

"No thanks."

"Ok then. You're meal is covered already so don't worry. I hope you had a great meal! Oh and by the way, I like you're necklace." He smiles at Brianna. I wish he would stop flirting with her. He's been doing it the whole night. Wait, what necklace.

I look at her neck to find that she had a paper airplane necklace on. The same I have.

Our waiter walks away and I look at Brianna. "Looks like we match." I say.

She looks confused so I pull out MY paper airplane necklace and she smiled which made me smile.

"Wow. This is my favorite necklace. I wear it all of the time." She says.

We get up to leave the restaurant when Brianna gasps and runs down a hallway. Sam rolls her eyes. "There she goes. I'll get her."

"No, I will." I say and chase after her. I get to her and she's staring at a painting.

"It's beautiful. Isn't it? Such pretty colors." She says not looking at me. She just stares at the painting.

"It is." I look at her. "Do you like art? Are you an artist?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "No, I'm not an artist. In fact I can't even draw a stick figure properly." She laughs. "I just admire paintings. I just had to take a closer look at this one. Lets go." We come out of the hallway to find Sam laughing at something Niall said. They see us and we all start walking out the restaurant. We get outside and stand there for a few seconds.

"Well we had a nice time. I still cant believe we won! Goodnight!" They both give us hugs and start walking towards the limo. Well that's it. I won't see her again. Then I thought of something.

"Wait!" I yell and they both stop. We run up to them. "We COULD continue the date."

The girls and Niall look confused. "Really?" Sam says.

"Yeah. We can take you guys sightseeing or something if you want." I say.

The girls look at each other and smile. "Ok."

I smiled at the thought of seeing Brianna's face for just a little longer. There was just something about her...

I don't I don't don't know what it is,

But I need that one thing,

And you've got that

One Thing.

-I hope you are enjoying it so far! Sorry if some of the chapters are short! But yeah if you could vote and stuff that be cool :) and share please! This is my first fanfiction so I hope you are enjoying it!-

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