The Truth

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Brianna's POV



I groan. Louis and Niall have been fighting over the last piece of bacon for five minutes now and it was really starting to bother me. After all, I haven't had the best morning.

Because of Megan.

I've been wanting to tell Harry so badly but I didn't want to do it in front of Megan or anyone else. I wanted it to just be me and Harry when I tell him. Megan hasn't left his side all morning and we keep glaring at each other.




"OH MY FUCKING GOD STOP IT!" I yell getting up from my seat. I stomp over to them and take the bacon and throw it out the door.

I turn back around and everyone is staring at me with their jaws dropped.

"What the hell was that?" Niall asks shocked.

"You guys are so goddamn annoying." I spit.

"That was uncalled for." Louis says.

"Yeah, well fighting over a piece of bacon at 10 in the morning is also uncalled for." I growl.

Everyone is still staring at me.

"What's your problem?" Liam asks.

My eyes meet Megan's and she gives me a warning glare.

Harry seems to notice this. "Is there something going on between you two?" Harry asks.

I sigh. "Harry, there's something you should know." I say and Megan's eyes go wide. "Can I talk to you?"

He nods and starts to get up when Megan grabs his arm.

"Harry, can I come?" She bats her eyelashes at him.

Oh my freaking god really?

"No. This is a private matter." I glare at her.

"Well what's so important that it has to be private?" She gives me a look.

I just want to slap the shit out of her right now.

"Yeah, what is it, Bri?" Harry asks.

"Harry, I really don't think-" I begin but I'm interrupted.

"Yeah, Bri." Megan mocks. "What is it?"

"Harry, please. Can the two of us just talk?" I plead.

Harry walks over to me. "What's wrong?"

I look him straight in the eyes. "Can we go somewhere else and talk about this?"

"Bri, whatever you have to tell me you can say in front of everybody." He says.

I look back at Megan and she shakes her head.

I start to think about what happened this morning and what Megan had said.

"Look here, you don't tell anyone this."

"And why would I do that?"

"Who would believe you?"

"I'm pretty sure everyone would."

"Oh please. I have your friends wrapped around my finger."

How could she possibly think my friends wouldn't believe me? That they would believe her instead of me?

Surely they would believe me.

"Alright, fine." I say and Megan stands there with her eyes wide.

"Harry, it's about Megan." I say.

Harry gives me a confused look.

"What about her?"

I take a deep breath knowing that I would break his heart by telling him this.

"Harry, I caught Megan cheating on you with Danny." I say.

The room is silent and everyone is staring at me. I look back at Megan and she is glaring at me.

"What did you just say?" Harry asks.

"Harry I'm so sor-"

"Why the hell would you say that?" Harry asks.

I look at him shocked. "Excuse me?"

"Why would you lie about something like that?" He says.

I think my heart just sank.

He doesn't believe me.

"Harry it's the truth. This morning I-"

"Megan would never do something like that." He interrupts.

"Harry, I saw it with my own eyes! I'm telling the truth!" I shout.

"Just stop."

I look around at everyone. "Come on guys! I would never lie about something like this! And I think we all agree that Megan is a little suspicious."

"I agree with Harry." Louis speaks up.

No, no please Louis. Not you too! No.

"I don't think Megan would do that. She's too nice."

By now I'm frustrated. "Nice? She flat out told me she was using Harry for fame!" I shout and turn to Harry. "Come on, Harry! You have to believe me!"

He stares at me and shakes his head.

"I can't believe you would lie to me." He whispers.

Tears start to fall down my cheeks. I look at Megan who's smirking at me.

"Bri, I can't believe you would think that about me! I would never do such thing to my sweet Hazzbear." She walks up to Harry and puts her head on his shoulder.

"You have no right to call him that." I growl.

"Brianna stop!" Harry yells at me getting right between me and Megan.

I look around and everyone is just staring in disbelief.

"Come on! Someone has to believe me!" I shout, looking around frantically.

No one says anything. I look at Eleanor.

"El?" I ask softly.

She looks at me then looks down.


Then I look at Zayn.

"Come on Zayn." I plead. Zayn and I had just gone back to being friends. If he doesn't believe me...

Zayn shakes his head and the tears start again.

Not him too.

I look at Sam. She's my best friend. She's stuck with me through thick and thin. She has to believe me... She just has too...

Sam gives me a sympathetic look, then looks away.

No. No no no no no. Not her!

They don't believe me.

None of them do.

My closest friends...

I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. I don't know what to do. Megan was right, they don't believe me.

I look back at Megan and she's smirking at me. Harry turns around to face her and she wipes the smirk off and gives me a fake sad look.

"Bri, I think you better go." She says.

I grind my teeth. "This is MY camper."

"Well, then maybe I should go." She says.

That little bitch. I know what she's doing.

"No." Harry says.

Annnnnd there it is.

"Megan stays. Brianna, leave." He gives me a cold look.

I never thought I'd see him look at me that way.

Without saying a word, I walk towards the door with everyone's eyes on me. I stop at the door and look back. I take a good look at my friends.

Or the people who I think are my friends...


I apologize for that.

Anywhore, you should comment, vote, and share :) and I am currently writing two other fanfics. One is a Harry one called "Trust Me" and one is a 5SOS fanfic called "Twitter Girl" so check them out if you're interested :) and once again if you have not, read "The Rebels" by @Sammy_Cakes cause shez my best homegurl.


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