Balls of Meat

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Brianna's POV

"DINNNNNERS READYYYYY!" I shouted as I took out plates and forks from the cupboard.

Liam and Danielle walk in the camper and walk up to me.

"What are we having?" Danielle questions as she peers over the pot.

"Spaghetti and balls of meat." I say proudly. It was my grandmothers recipe and my fourth time making it.

Liam raises an eyebrow. "Balls of meat?"

"You mean meatballs?" Danielle asks confused.

Sam laughs and gets up from her spot on the couch next to Niall and walks up next to Danielle, grabbing a plate.

"Brianna calls them 'balls of meat' because... Well because it's Brianna." She explains.

Everyone else grabs a plate and starts to eat. I was bouncing in my seat because I was excited. Tonight was the Fourth of July party.

"Geez Brianna calm down. You're gonna choke on your food." Harry says.

"I can't help it." I stuff a meatball in my mouth and chew.

"Yeah Brianna, you don't want to choke on those balls do you?" Louis smirks and Niall burst out laughing.

I pick up a meatball from my plate and yell, "BALLS TO THE FACE!" As I throw it at Louis.

The meatball bounces off of his nose and his nose is now covered in sauce.

"Hey!" He yells, grabbing a bunch of noodles and throwing at me.

"LOUIS!" I shout, now covered in noodles.

He sticks his tongue out and I smirk at him. "Oh you're going to regret that." I say.

He laughs. "Please, what can you do?"

Sam gasps. "Louis I'd take that back if I were you." She warns.


I slowly get up from my seat and start walking towards him.

"Oh come on you're not going to do anything." He says unsure.

I get closer.

"You sure about that?" I raise my eyebrow.

His eyes widens and he quickly gets up from his seat and runs out the door.

I bolt after him. Silly Louis. I ran track in high school so I'm a pretty fast runner.

I chase him down towards the lake. A truck blocks him from the road so he runs towards the docks.

I start to catch up with him. He gets to the end of the dock and as soon as he turns around I tackle him into the water.

We resurface and as soon as he sees me, he tries to swim away but I dunk him underwater.

After a few seconds, I pull him back up.

"Told you." I smirk.

"Oh my god guys get out of the water." Both Louis and I turn our head to the sound of Sams voice.

I laugh and get out of the water with Louis in tow.

I had just noticed that Harry was with Sam. Once we were out of the water, they both started walking down the road.

"Where are you two going?" I ask.

"The lodge." Sam calls back.

I shrug and start walking back up to the camper with Louis.

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