Carrot Prince and Carrot Princess

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Harry's POV

It was midnight and I was laying in bed. I couldn't stop thinking about Brianna. I have never met someone so amazing as her.

Niall come in interrupting my thoughts. "Hey Nia- OW!" Niall smacked my head.

"What was that for?" I ask him.

"Why didn't you give Brianna your number?" He asks.

"Because management-" I begin to say before he interrupts me.

"Oh who gives a crap what management says! I gave Sam my number!"

"What? Why? Management is gonna-"

"Who cares what management is gonna do? They can't tell us who and who not to be friends with! Those girls are amazing! I know you fancy Brianna."

I blush. "I-I do not."

"Oh don't give me that I know you do." He pauses. "Sam texted me saying that Brianna is upset that you didn't give her your number so she told me to hit you."

I open my mouth to protest but I stop. "Brianna is... Upset?" Great. I made the sweetest girl upset. I feel so stupid. Of course she's upset. I almost kiss her and then expect to never talk to her ever again after tomorrow.

"Yeah she is. Go make it right."

Niall leaves and I sit in my bed for a minute. I met the most amazing girl and I'm just never going to talk to her again? I mean she's incredible! Everything about her is amazing. Her smile. Her laugh. Her eyes. Her beautiful blue eyes.

I jumped out of bed and run out of my room. I find the boys on the couch and I turn to Niall. "What room?"

"Room 333." He replies.

I rush out the door and head for the stairs. I get to their room and I knock.

After about ten seconds Sam opens the door and smirks at me. "I take it Niall hit you for me?"

"Yeah and we will have a little chat about that later. Where's Brianna?"

"I'll get her."

About a minute later Brianna walks in and is surprised to see me. "What are you doing he-"

"Can I have your number?"

She stands there for a few seconds then smiles. "I thought you'd never ask. Give me your phone."

She puts her number in my phone and I put mine in hers.

We stand there for a few seconds and I have an idea. "Hey, come to the roof with me."

She looks confused and then shrugs.

She grabs her keys and we head out the door.

Brianna's POV

I was happy. Finally he had asked me for my number! I couldn't stand the thought of never talking to him again.

We were headed up the stairs to the roof. I have no idea why though. He said it was a surprise.

We get to the roof and he opens the door. I gasp. It was so beautiful! The city of London was amazing at night. The view was absolutely incredible.

"This... Is amazing." I whisper.

He smiles. "I thought you'd like it."

We get to the edge and we just watch. We don't say anything. We just stand side by side watching. I rest my head on his shoulder. I was tired but I didn't want to leave. This moment was perfect. He grabs my waist and pulls me closer to his side. He then rests his head on mine.

A few minutes go by and my god was this moment perfect. He lifts his head up and looks at me. I do the same.

"Brianna... I... About earlier on the London's Eye when-" he stops and gulps.

We stare into each others eyes. He starts to lean in and I do the same.

Our lips are barely touching when the door bursts open.


Oh my god really.

Every time.

Okay this only happened once before but if it happens again I will curb stomp somebody.

"Woah. Was I interrupting something?" Louis smirks at us.

"Louis how did you know we were up here?" Harry asks clearly annoyed.

"Niall told me."

I look behind him to see Niall looking guilty.

"I tried to stop him from coming up here but he kinda tackled me and ran away." Niall explains.

"That's what you get for eating my carrots."

"Are you still going on about those damn carrots?" Zayn walks in behind Niall and is followed by Liam and Sam.

"Wait, how did Niall know that we were coming to the roof?" Harry asks.

"Sam told me."

We all look at Sam.

"I'm sorry I was eavesdropping." Sam says crossing her arms.

"It's what she does best." I say chuckling.

"I AM THE CARROT PRINCE!" Louis yells running in circles.

"No you're not." I say.

He stops running. "WHAT DID YOU SAY PEASANT?"


He gasps. "MY PRINCESS! I HAVE BEEN SEARCHING FOR YOU MY ENTIRE LIFE. I HAVE FOUND YOU AT LAST!" He runs over to me, picks me up and twirls me around. I laugh as he squeezes me.

"Erm, you can let go now. The carrot princess cannot breathe." I say.

He lets go. "TOGETHER WE SHALL RULE THE MAGICAL CARROT LAND!" He yells then jumps onto Nialls back. "ONWARD MY NOBLE STEED! BACK TO THE KINGDOM WE MUST GO!" Then Niall carries him back to their room.

"I better go make sure they don't hurt themselves." Liam turns to Sam. "Goodnight." He says with a smile on his face. Sam blushes. What the flapjack was that.

Harry walks over to Sam. "You and I need to have a chat about telling people to hit other people." She laughs and they get into conversation.

Zayn walks over to me. "Do you know what that's about?"

I shrug. "I have no idea."

We watch them bicker at each other like little kids and laugh at them.

"So, um, Bri. Can I call you Bri?" He asks.

"Only if I can call you ZaynieBear." I smirk.

He laughs. "Alright fine." He pauses. "So, um, do you, uh wanna go out to lunch or something tomorrow?"

I smile. "Sure that sounds lovely. Here, lemme give you my number." He hands me his phone and I can see Harry glance over at us and give us a weird look.

"There ya go. And here's my phone. Put your number in."

He puts his number in and gives it back. I glance at my phone and smile when I see that he put his contact name as "ZaynieBear".

"Great so I'll see you tomorrow?" I ask.

He smiles at me. "Yup. Goodnight." And walks away.

I smile. He was cute.

Wait just a flapjack turning second.

Did I just get asked out on a date by Zayn Malik?

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