A Friend

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Brianna's POV

I don't know how long I was walking around the campground. All I know is I started at two in the afternoon and my feet hurt.

I sigh as I take out my phone to check the time.

5:30 pm

Have I really been walking for three and a half hour

Then I noticed something.

A text message from Harry.

I bite my lip. Should I read it?

I was hesitant to open it, but I did.

We need to talk.

No. No we don't. You made it pretty clear how you felt and how you thought I lied to you.

Which I didn't by the way.

I don't reply and put my phone back in my pocket. Before I look up I bump into something.

"Oh I'm so sorry! I-" a voice says.

I look up to see a brunette girl around my age standing there staring at me.

"Hey are you okay?" She asks.

"I'm fine. Why do you ask?" I ask looking away.

"Well you're really pale and your eyes are red and puffy. You've been crying." She states.

I look back at her. "Why do you care?" I snap. I don't know why because she seems like a nice girl.

"I'm sorry... You clearly don't want to talk so I'll go." She says.

"No wait!" I stop her. I sigh. "I'm sorry. I haven't really been having the best couple days here..." My voice trails.

She smiles and walks up to me. She places her hand on my shoulder. "Sounds like you need a friend."

A friend.

I have Niall. Niall is the only one who believes me through everything. But this girl seems nice and I do need a friend since Niall is spending most of his time with Sam...

"I do." I say.

"Come with me. We can have lunch." She smiles and I return the smile.

"My names Crystal by the way." She says.

"I'm Brianna."

We talk all the way to the lodge. When we get in the lodge and order food, we are still talking non stop.

"He put the pickle where?" She asks shocked and I laugh.

"You heard me."

She shakes her head smiling. "My god people are strange."

We laugh and tell stories and about our interests.

"I'm not a fan of One Direction. I'm more of a Shinee fan."

"Shinee?" I ask. "I've never heard of them."

"No one does really." She shrugs.

"Here you go girls." Jan says handing us our food and smiling.

Crystal takes a bite of her burger. "So. Do you want to talk about why you were crying?"

I stop chewing and swallow.

"I understand if-" she begins before I cut her off.

"It's fine." I say and take a deep breath.

I tell her everything. I told her about the contest and how we won. About how I dated Zayn and we broke up because of Perrie. About how I almost kissed Harry multiple times and how Sam and Harry kissed. About Megan and how she cheated on Harry with Danny. About how I told everyone and no one believed me except Niall. I told her about the text message Harry sent me when I bumped into her. I told her everything.

By the end of all of it she sits agape.

"Wow. It's only been about a month and you've been through a lot." She says.

We sit in silence for a bit before she speaks up.

"You should talk to him."

I shake my head. "No. He doesn't believe me and I tried multiple times to get him to believe me but he won't. No one will."

She opens her mouth to protest when the door to the lodge opens.

I turn to see Danny walking in. He sees me and smiles.

I get up and walk over to him.

"Hey Bri-" he starts but something interrupts him.

That something was my hand.

"What was that for?!" Danny yells rubbing his cheek.

"Why the hell did you sleep with Megan?!" I yell in his face.

He looks at me wide eyed. "Um, cause I like her?"

"Danny! She's dating Harry!"

His jaw drops and his eyes widen. "What? No I didn't know! She said she was single!"

"Well she's not!" I spit in his face.

"Does he know?" He asks softly.

"I told him." I pause. "But he doesn't believe me. No one does." I say softly.

"I can talk to him." He says.

Before I get to say anything he's out the door.

I sigh and turn back to Crystal.

"So I take it that's Danny?" Crystal asks.

I walk back over to her and pick up my burger and take a bite.

"Brianna-" she begins.

The door burst open and I turn to see Harry walking in with Danny behind him.

I stand up again. "Harry-"

"So you got Danny in on it too?" He yells. "That's real low, Brianna."

I think my heart just broke in two.

He still doesn't believe me.

I give up.

"You got me." I shrug and turn around.

I feel a hand forcefully grab my shoulder and whip me around.

"Ow! Harry let me go!" I yell. I try to get away but he has a tight grip on my shoulder.

"No! I can't believe you would go this low! What happened to the nice and honest Brianna I know?" He yells and I feel the tears stream down my cheeks.

I wipe the tears away and I walk up to him.

"I'm still her! I never changed!" I yell. "I'm not lying to you Harry! I swear I would never do that!"

He ignores me and runs a hand through his hair. "I just can't believe it."

That's it. I've had enough of this.

"Whatever. Just go." I gesture towards the door.

"You're coming with me." He says sternly.

I look at him confused. "Why?"

"To apologize to Megan."

Oh I am so not doing that.

"No. She should apologize to me AND especially to you." I yell.

"She doesn't have to apologize for anything."

"Leave." I shout.


"God what is your problem! Are you really that blind that you can't see she has you wrapped around her finger!"


"And another thing!" I shout while tears run freely down my cheeks. "How can you believe a girl that you've known for a week and not the girl who you've known for a whole month. A girl that actually cares about you. A girl who would do anything for you."


"A girl who would die for you! A girl who loves-" I stop when I realize what I was about to say.

Harry stands there staring at me.

My hands are shaking and I'm crying hard now.

I push past him and run out the door. I hear Danny and Crystal yell my name but I don't turn back. I just run. I run as fast as I can. I don't know where I'm going.

I turn and run into someone.

"What the- Brianna?" I hear Louis say.

I look up at him and he has a worried look on his face.

"What's wrong?" He asks grabbing my arms and looking me in the eyes.

"Why do you care?" I whisper and he has a shocked expression.

"Brianna, I'm your Carrot Prince. Of course I care."

"No. No you don't." I simply say and push past him.

I start to run again as he calls my name. I stop running when I reach the camper. I run inside to find Megan sitting on the couch.

"Get out, Megan." I say.

She smirks and gets up.

"Why would I do that? It seems like Harry and everyone else wants me here."

"Yeah, well it's my camper and I don't want you here."

"Too bad. It's not your call anymore."

My god I want to slap her.

"Then why don't you do it?" She asks.

I said that out loud again.

I really need to stop that.

"No. I'm not gonna go down to your level."

Megan looks behind me and claps her hand and winces.

I stare at her confused. "What the-"

"Why would you slap me?" Megan fake cries.

"What? I didn't-"

"BRIANNA!" Harry's voice booms throughout the camper.

I whip around to see Harry and everyone else staring at me in shock.

Now I understand what's going on.

"No. No no no I didn't-" I try to defend myself.

"Megan, what happened?" Harry asks walking up to her.

"She- she just came up to me and slapped me!" She fake sobs.

"Harry, no! I didn't! She's lying!" I shout.

"Brianna, just stop with the lying already!" Harry snaps at me.

He has never snapped at me before.

"Harry." I whisper.

"Just go."

The tears are dripping from my cheeks as I turn to Niall.

"Niall, you still believe me right?" I ask. Surely he will. He's been by my side through all this.

Niall gives me a cold look. "I don't know why I believed you before."


Not Niall.

I look around at everybody and they all look like they despise me.

They were supposed to be my friends.

"I'll be staying in one of the cabins then." I say softly. "Enjoy my camper."

I walk out the door and towards the lodge. I needed a drink.

Suddenly, I've come to the realization that there is no convincing them anymore.

Megan had won.

Holy shizballz captain.

This story has reached 1K reads.

I lovez you guyz.

Thanks for reading and comment what you think, vote, and share! And if you want you can check out my other stories "Trust Me" a Harry Styles fanfiction and "I Will Try To Fix You" a 5SOS fanfiction. Also, check out my main gurl's story "The Rebels" by @Sammy_Cakes.

-Captain Kirk

(this will be my name so dealz with it)

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