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Zayn's POV

"Wow." I say as I walk into Brianna's camper.

It's actually kind of nice. A few couches, a dining table, a stove, a refrigerator, a sink, a nice flat screen, a bathroom and a big bedroom in the back. It's kinda small though.

"Bri, I don't think we're gonna all fit in here." Eleanor says.

Brianna smirks and walks over to a little control panel thing on the wall and presses a button. Half the camper starts to move.

"It's a slide out." Brianna says.

A few seconds later it stops and the small camper turned into a very roomy camper.

"Woah. This is actually pretty fancy!" Danielle says.

"Okay, so I'm thinking we can all take turns on where to sleep each night?Maybe we can start with Zayn and I in the bedroom-"

Brianna is cut off by Louis chuckling.

"Shut up Lou!" She says as she hits him.

"Ow! That's no way to treat the Carrot Prince!" He yells.

"It's allowed since I am the Carrot Princess!" She yells back.

"Am I missing something here?" Danielle asks.

"I'll tell you later." Liam tells her.

"Anywho, I was saying that Zayn and I take the bedroom, Sam and Niall can take the pull out couch, Harry can take the other couch, Louis and Eleanor sleep in the tent along with Danielle and Liam."

We all nod and start unpacking. The boys and I go to set up the tent in the campsite below us.

"I'm going to go say hello to Janet and Danny and let them know we're here." Brianna says.

"Who's Janet?" Liam asks.

"And who's Danny?" I ask.

"Janet owns this place. Danny is her son." She explains.

"And how old is Danny?" I ask.

She smirks. "He's 21. I would always hang out with him whenever I was here."

"Oh." I say.

"Zayn." Brianna says.

"What?" I ask.

She gives me a look.

"I'm not jealous."

"I never said you were."


"Well I'm gonna go now. I'll be back in a few minutes." She says as she turns to leave.

"I'll go with you." Harry says.

I turn and glare at him.

"I will too!" Sam says.

"Okay." She says with a smile and they start to walk down the hill.

I turn and see the boys smirking at me.

"Oh shut up."

My phone starts to vibrate and I take it out of my pocket.

From: Perrie
To: Zayn

So this Brianna girl, I've seen her on twitter and tv. She seems cool :) I'm happy for you.

Yeah I know what you're thinking. Perrie? Yeah well she texted me before we left and we've started talking again. It's nice. Perrie and I have decided to be friends and its going well. There's just one problem.

I'm not completely over her.

Brianna's POV

"Hello Helen!" I greet the old woman as I pass the Anderson's campsite.

"Well hello dear! We haven't seen you since last year! Where have you been?" Helen says with a smile.

"Oh I've been busy."

"Hi Mrs. Anderson!" Sam waves.

"Oh Sammy is that you? Oh hello!" She walks up to us and gives us hugs.

"It's great to see you again! Where's George?" I ask.

"Oh he's inside the camper. George! Come out here the girls are here!" She calls out.

An old man walks out of the camper and I smile.

"Hey George!" Sam and I wave.

As soon as he sees us he smiles. "Oh hello girls! It's been quite a while since I last saw you both." He says giving us hugs. His attention goes to Harry. "And who's this young man?"

Harry reaches his hand out. "Hi Mr. Anderson. I'm Harry." George takes his hand and shakes it.

"Well hello! Are you Brianna's boyfriend?" He asks.

Both mine and Harry's cheeks turn red and I can see Sam smirking at us.

"N-no actually he's a close friend. My boyfriend is actually back at the campsite." I say still blushing.

"Oh well I'll have to meet him soon! How long are you staying?" He asks.

"A month."

"Lovely! We are staying for the month as well. Are you going to be attending the Fourth of July party on Thursday?"

"Definitely!" I say.

I see Helen staring at Harry.

"You look familiar." She says.

"Oh, well I'm in a band." He says.

"Oh that's right! Brianna and Sam have been big fans the past few years. They constantly talk about you guys. And you're friends now?" She asks.

Harry smirks at Sam and I and we blush.

"Well the girls won a contest to meet me and another one of the lads and we all became friends." He explains.

"Well we are on our way to see Janet and Danny. We better go." I interrupt dragging Harry and Sam away. "Bye!"

"Goodbye dear!"

We walk in silence for a few seconds before Harry speaks up.

"There's a party?" He asks.

"Yupperoni. Every year there's a Fourth of July party on the fourth." Sam says. "You know, to celebrate when we Americans kicked your British asses." Sam laughs.

"Well I wanna go and I'm sure the lads do too." Harry says.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah. Hey, I never turn down a party." He winks.

We walk up the stairs of the deck to the lodge and I open the door.

As soon as I walk in I hear, "Brianna darling! Sammy! Where have you girls been?" Janet says walking up to us.

"Hey Janet!" Sam and I say in unison and we group hug except for Harry.

"And who's this handsome young man?" She says turning to Harry.

"Oh he's one of our friends. We have nine people altogether. And we're setting up a tent on the campsite below us." I say.

"Oh lovely! Is it the rest of the boys from One Direction? I heard that you two were dating some of them."

"Yes we are." Sam says.

"Well I have to meet them later. I have to go clean the cabins so I will see you later. Oh and Danny has been talking about you non stop." She says before she leaves.

Sam gives me a smirk. "So Dannykins has been talking about Brianna." She says putting her hands on her hips.

"Oh shut up Sam." I say.

"So this Danny..." Harry says. "Are you guys close?"

"Yeah we-" I begin to say before I'm interrupted by a familiar voice behind me.

"BRIANNA BOO!" I turn with a smile on my face.

"DANNYKINS!" I yell running up to him and jumping on him. He picks me up and twirls me around.

"How have you been?" He says with that award winning smile.

I pull his skater boy brown hair out of the way of his bright blue eyes and smile.

"I've been good! My god I've missed you." I say giving him another hug.

He laughs and we separate. He sees Sam and runs up to her and gives her a hug. "Hey Sammy Cakes."

"Hey Danny Cakes." She smiles at him.

Danny's eyes direct towards Harry. "Is this one of the guys from One Direction then?"

"Yupperoni noodles. They're all here along with their girlfriends." I say.

Danny walks up to Harry and extends his hand. "Hi. I'm Danny. Which one are you?"

Harry shakes Danny's hand. "I'm Harry."

Danny smirks. "Oh so you're the one that Brianna was obsessed with?"

My eyes go wide and I flick Danny's nose. "Shush." I say.

Harry laughs. "Oh I am?" He smirks at me.

I blush. "Okay now moving on so-"

"Has she told you about the poster?" Danny asks.

My eyes go wide.

"No, she hasn't." Harry's smirk grows.

"Well she had this one poster of you and she mdfnking oeefj widnh ndk." He says but I cover my hand with his mouth.

I feel my palm getting wet.

"Lick my hand all you want Danny. I'm not- OW!" I pull my hand away and there's a bite mark on my hand.

"Asshole." I say.


I glare at him.

"Are they always like this?" Harry asks Sam.

"Oh yeah. They've been worse." She answers.

"Well can I meet everyone else?" Danny asks.

"Only if you shut your mouth about that poster thing." I glare at him.

He laughs.


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