Mommy Direction

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Brianna's POV

We all sat in the living room and we were all soaked. We all just had a pretty interesting squirtgun fight. Sam and I just had a squirtgun fight with One Direction. Can you say best day ever?

"Well played Miss Scott. Well played." Louis glared at me. I just smirked at him and said, "You really need to work on your squirtgun "skills" you were bragging you had earlier." I responded.

"Yeah and thanks for falling on me Lou. You made us lose to girls." Zayn says.

"It's not my fault. I slipped."


"I did!"

"And I'm sure you did."

"You wanna go pretty boy?"

"Maybe I do!"

"Now boys." I interrupt. "Lets play nice." But they ignore me and start to wrestle each other.

"Boys." I say.

They continue to ignore me. Louis and Zayn start to roll on the floor.

"I will rip your precious hair out of your head!" Louis yells.

"Do NOT even touch my hair or I will shove a carrot up your-" Zayn starts to say before I interrupt them.

"BOYS." I get up and pull Louis off of Zayn and sit on Louis.

"Now there will be no ripping off precious hair OR shoving carrots up anyone's anything." They both pout.

"Is that clear?" I say but they continue to pout. I start twisting their nipples.

"IS THAT CLEAR?" I say once more and they both nod their heads. I then release them.

Everyone starts to laugh. "Looks like we found 'Mommy Direction'." Liam says.

"But Liam aren't you Daddy Direction?" Sam asks Liam.

He laughs. "Indeed I am."


Liam and I both blush.

"No, they're not." Harry says.

"Yes they are!" Louis says.





Harry stops and starts to blush.




"Boys." I say.




"BOYS!" I grab and twist their nipples.


"My god are you guys always like this?" Sam asks.

Liam laughs. "Sadly, they are. I have to deal with this every day."

"Looks like you're in for a tough job being Mommy Direction, Bri." She laughs.

"Oh you have no idea."

There was silence.

"So... Uh what now?" Zayn asks.

"Well it's pretty late. Better get back to our room." Sam says.

I looked at my phone. I smiled when I saw a picture of Harry and I that I took at the restaurant as my wallpaper. I looked at my clock and it was 11:30.

"Yeah we better get going." We both get up and say our goodbyes to the guys.

"I had a really nice time. I honestly didn't think I'd have fun on this date." Harry says to me.

"I had a lot of fun too." I smiled up at him.

We stood there for a few second in silence. Is he going to ask for my number or-?

"Well goodbye." He says.

Damn. "Bye."

We leave their room and Sam starts to skip down the hallway.

"Oh my god that was so amazing!" She squeals.

I smile at her, but my smile fades when I realized that it was over. Well, not completely over. We get to see them tomorrow at the concert.

I sigh as we get into our room. My dress is soaked so I hang it up on the shower rod in the bathroom. I go to my room and put a tank top and shorts on and get ready for bed.

I walk into the living room to get a glass of water for bed and I find Sam sitting on the couch in the dark with her phone in her face while her fingers tap away on her phone and while smiling like an idiot.

"Who ya texting?" I ask as I sip on my water.

She looks up. "Oh I didn't see you come in. I'm texting Niall."

I choke on my water.

Niall gave her his number?

And Harry didn't give me his?

"You ok?" She asks me.

"He gave you his number??"

She give me a weird look. "Yeah Harry didn't give you his?"

I shake my head no. "Oh." Is all she says.

I'm frustrated and sad. How can he almost kiss me and not give me his number? I put my water on the counter and storm into my room slamming the door behind me.

Sam's POV

I heard Brianna's door slam. Uh oh she was angry. What the flapjack? How could Harry not give her his number? They were getting along really well. I thought he fancied her...

Well Niall did tell me before he gave me his number that management said it was a bad idea. But still he risked it for me. Harry should have done the same.

I looked down at my phone and started to text Niall.

To: Nialler

From: Sammy

Hey Bri's a tad upset that Harry didn't give her his number. Could you hit him for me? Thanks :)

I waited for the reply.

To: Sammy

From: Nialler

HE DIDN'T? I thought he liked her? Hold on, I'm headed to his room now to slap the shit out of him.

I laughed and put my phone in my pocket.

Then I head to Bri's room to cheer her up.

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