Irish Cream Pie

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Brianna's POV

"Oh. My. God." Harry says as he watches the videos I took last night on my phone.

We all finished cleaning the room and we were sitting in the living room now watching the videos.

"AND WE BANGED ALL NIGHT TO THE BEST SONG EVER!" Harry sings in the video while dancing. on the counter.

A minute later the dancing stops and he passes out on the couch.

"Hey, hey guys. We should like totally tape him to the ceiling!" I say to Liam and Zayn.

"Yeah totally!" Zayn says.

"Wait, so you guys were in on it too?" Harry says to Liam and Zayn.

(Back to the video)

"Goodnight Harold." Zayn says as I tape Harry's arm.

Zayn walks over to the refrigerator and opens it. "Lou where's all the food and the shelves?" Zayn says before Louis walks by and pushes him into the fridge and closes it.

"Hey! Lemme out!" Zayn pounds on the door.

"Oh my gosh whipped cream!" Sam yells as she goes to the counter and grabs the whipped cream.

"Hey Niall! Come here! Lemme put this on your face!"

"No way man. Not my face." Niall slurs.

"Fine then I'll have to put this somewhere else and- and I'll lick it off." She says and winks.

"No I, I don't wanna." Niall refuses.

"C'mon! I wanna make myself an Irish Cream Pie!"

"OH MY GOD DID I REALLY SAY THAT?" Sam yells burying her face in her hands.

(Back to video)

"Okay f-fine." Niall says laying down next to the couch while Sam puts whipped cream on his face.

"Hey Bri," Eleanor walks in from the bathroom holding the handcuff key and stumbling. "I- I did it."

"Guys we should totally go to the roof an-and we should go flying." Sam says.

"OH MY GOSH YES." Eleanor yells.

"LOOK IT'S A HELICOPTER!" Louis says and the camera pans over to a naked Louis and... Well you can see where this is going.

(End of video)



Everybody laughs.

"So, Sam. Did you enjoy the Irish Cream Pie?" Niall says with a wink.

"Oh my god there's no way you're going to let that go are you?" She asks.



"Huh. So that's why you said no alcohol." Liam says.

"Duh. I told you, Drunk Brianna does crazy things." Sam says looking over to the purple giraffe. "And where the hell did that giraffe come from?"

We all laugh. "Lets order room service. I'm hungry." Niall says.

"Sounds like a good idea, but then we have to pack and get ready to leave tomorrow. Our private plane will leave at 8 tomorrow morning and we should be in Wisconsin at almost midnight. Liam explains then turns to me. "You said we can crash at your parents house?"

"Yup. I already called my parents and they said they'd be out of town by then and we can have the whole place to ourselves. They just said, and I quote the great words of my father, 'don't burn the crib down. Oh and Brianna, there's condoms in the drawer in the bedroom'." I say and Sam cracks up.

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