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Harry's POV

Brianna dives into the water where El had jumped.

"Oh my god El!" Louis yells. I look over at him and I've never seen him more worried than he is now.

A few moments passed and Brianna and Eleanor still haven't resurfaced.

"This isn't good..." Sam says. "Oh god..."

"No it's not." Danny says before he dives down into the water.

Now I start to worry. What if they never come back up? What if they drown?

I can tell Louis is thinking the same thing by the look on his face.

Danny pops back up out of the water with Eleanor a few moments later.

"El!" Louis swims over to them.

"Her legs got caught in the weeds." Danny says bringing her back to the dock.

We all climb up on the dock and gather around Danny who was doing CPR on Eleanor. A few seconds later, she coughs up water and starts breathing heavily.

"Thank god!" Louis says, wrapping his arms around Eleanor. "I thought I'd lost you!"

I smile. Thank god she is okay. Thanks to Danny and....

Wait a fucking second where's Brianna?

"Hey where the hell is Brianna?" I yell looking around but I can't find her.

Danny looks confused. "What the hell she was right behind me!"

"Fuck!" I yell. "She's still down there!"

I dive into the water and swim as fast as I could to where Eleanor had jumped.

I look frantically but I can't find her. I start to panic when I spot her. I swim down towards her. Her eyes slowly close.

I grab her and pull as hard as I can but she's caught on some weeds. I yank them but they don't budge. I yank them three more times before they finally come loose. I yank one last time and her legs are free.

I grab her arm and put it around me. I hold on to her as I swim us up to the surface.

We reach the surface and I gasp for air.

"Bri!" Zayn yells before he dives into the water and swims towards us.

He helps me bring her to the dock and we gently set her down.

"Oh my god! Bri!" Sam runs up to us and kneels beside her. "Is she alive?"

I stand there looking down at her motionless body. Her face is so pale...

Danny starts to do CPR on her.

I don't know what to do. I stand there just staring at her. Her beautiful face looks lifeless...

"Goddammit Bri!" Danny stops and slams his fists on the dock.

"Why'd you stop? Keep going!" Zayn yells at him.

Danny doesn't say anything. He just sits there and stares at her.

"I've been at it for minutes. And nothing." He says almost down to a whisper.

"Bri." I hear Sam whisper before tears start rolling down her face and buries her face in Niall's chest.

No... No no no no... She... She can't be... No...

We stay in silence. Well, except for the sounds of crying...

I fall to me knees. No! I can't lose her! Even though I've only known her for one week she was different! She was different from all the other girls I used to be with. She liked me for me and not my fame or money. This can't be happening... I didn't even get to tell her...

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