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Brianna's POV

"Hey Danny! Need any help setting up?" I asked the brunette boy who was behind the bar.

"Nope, we are all set!" He gives me a smile. "People should start coming in a few minutes. I'll start the music." He runs out of the lodge and towards the stereo system.

I was about to follow him when Sam and Harry walk out of the lounge.

"Hey guys." I smile as I greet them.

They both snap their heads up at me. They give each other a look then look back at me.

"Um, hey Bri." Sam says not making eye contact.

I raise an eyebrow at them. I've know Sam for almost 20 years now and I can tell when something is up.

"You okay?" I ask.

I try to make eye contact with Harry but he gives me a short smile and looks away.


What is going on?

"Yeah I'm fine." Sam says.

Bull. Shit.

I decided to just leave it alone for now.

I walk outside and as soon as I walk by a speaker, music starts playing loudly and I fall.

Way to go Bri.

"Danny!" I shout while getting up.

He laughs. "Sorry!" He raises his hands up in defense and I roll my eyes.

People start to come in the lodge, some people grab some beers and relax on the beach, and others just chill outside on the deck or on the road in between the beach and the lodge where the "dance floor" was.

I smirk.

Let the party begin.

An hour later, almost the entire campground is at the party. People are dancing, talking, swimming, eating, and just hanging out.

I sip on my beer and lean against a tree. Yes, I'm only nineteen but Janet allows me to drink and just tell people that I'm 21. You gotta love Janet.

I look around to find people in our group. Eleanor and Louis were chatting with the Anderson's in the gazebo, Liam and Danielle were dancing, Sam and Zayn are talking to Danny on the deck of the lodge, but I couldn't find Harry or Niall anywhere.

Then I spot the brown curls I've been looking for walking out of the lodge with a beer in his hand. He looks around and he makes eye contact with Sam but quickly looks away. Then he makes eye contact with me and I wave to him. I gesture for him to come over to me and he does.

"Hey! Wanna dance?" I ask.

He smiles. "Sure."

We put our beers down and I grab his hand to lead him to the dance floor.

As soon as we get on the dance floor, Danny's voice booms on the speakers.

"Alright everybody, grab a special someone and drag them out to the dance floor."

I look at Harry and smile.

"Harry, will you be my special someone?" I ask fluttering my eyelashes.

He laughs. "Of course."

The song Heaven by Bryan Adams comes on.

"I love Bryan Adams!" I squeal and Harry laughs.

I look around and see that Liam and Danielle have started to slow dance along with Louis and Eleanor beside them. Eleanor looks at me, then at Harry, then back at me and she winks. I roll my eyes at her and she laughs, making Louis look in our direction and he starts to make kissy faces at me. So I give him the middle finger and he gasps making me laugh. I notice Sam is still by Danny and looking around. She must be looking for Niall. I wonder where he is...

I turn back to Harry who is staring at me.

"Well hello sir, may I help you?" I say.

He smiles. "What? A man can't enjoy beautiful things?"

I blush and look down. Harry grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him. My arms are wrapped around his neck and his arms are wrapped around my waist as we sway back and forth.

I look back over to Louis and Eleanor who are smiling like idiots while staring at each other and Danielle and Liam are laughing while resting their foreheads against each others. I then see the Anderson's who are singing to each other.

I look up at him and start to sing along to the lyrics as I stare into his eyes.

"Oh once in your life you find someone

Who will turn your world around

Bring you up when you're feelin' down

Now nothin' can change what you mean to me

Oh there's lots that I could say

But just hold me now

'Cause our love will light the way"

Harry smiles at me and sings along.

"And Baby you're all that I want

When you're lyin' here in my arms

I'm findin' it hard to believe

We're in heaven

And love is all that I need

And I found it there in your heart

It isn't too hard to see

We're in heaven"

My heart starts to beat faster as we keep staring at each others eyes.

He starts to lean in while still singing.

"I've been waiting' for so long

For somethin' to arrive

For love to come along

Now our dreams are comin' true

Through the good times and the bad

I'll be standin' there by you"

Before he gets any closer, I hear Niall call my name.

"Brianna!" He says and Harry and I turn our heads. I feel Harry tense up and I look at him. His face turned pale.

I look back at Niall. I can tell he's been crying cause his nose is all red and so are his eyes.

"Niall what's wrong?" I ask pulling away from Harry and focusing my attention towards Niall.

Niall gives Harry a glare and pulls me away from him towards the beach. I turn my head towards Harry and a worried look takes over his face.

"Niall what's wrong?" I ask again.

"You're the only person who I can talk to about this. Especially since it kinda involves you..." He says quietly.

I give him a confused look. "Niall. Tell me what's wrong."

Niall looks back to Harry who now has Sam by him. They are both staring at us with wide eyes and worried looks.

Niall starts to cry again.

I don't know what else to do but pull him into a hug.

And that's exactly what I do.

"Niall." I say.

"Brianna, I-" he cuts off while pulling back and looking at me.

"I walked in on Harry and Sam kissing."

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