Frickle Frackle

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Niall's POV

The look Brianna gave us before she left almost killed me. Brianna is such a sweet girl and we've become great friends.

So why the hell didn't I stick up for her and say I believed her? I still haven't forgotten about how she stuck up for me at the concert.

Plus, I really did believe her. I've noticed Megan and Danny hanging out a lot lately and they flirt with each other.

I get up from my seat and head towards the door.

"Where are you going Niall?" Sam asks but I ignore her.

I still can't believe that no one else believes her. Especially Sam and Harry.

I walk out the door and look around for Brianna. I start to walk down the hill when I hear sobbing. I turn my head and see Brianna sitting on a large rock.

I walk over to her and she sees me. She wipes away a tear.

"What do you want?" She asks coldly.

"Bri..." I start and sit next to her.

"I believe you."

She turns to me and blinks.


"Yeah. I saw Megan and Danny flirting with each other and I kinda was suspicious."

She stares at me. "Why didn't you say anything back there?"

I open my mouth to answer but nothing comes out. I just give her a sympathetic look.

She sighs and puts her head on my shoulder. "It's okay."

I wrap my arm around her shoulder and we sit there in silence. After a while, we start to talk about random things. I try my best to keep her from being sad.

"Hey, how about just you and I go on a friend date. We could go get lunch or go paddle boating or something?" I suggest.

She looks up at me and smiles. "Yeah that sounds fun. When?"

"Tomorrow. Sam and I have a date tonight." I answer.

Brianna smirks at me. "Are you gonna have some sexuals?"

I laugh and she laughs with me. After a while she gets serious.

"It was a serious question."

I gulp. "Um, we haven't done anything like that... Yet..."

"Well, do it tonight?"

"What? No! I don't even know Sam is ready."

"I know she is."


"Wh-what?" I stutter.

"She told me. She says she trusts you enough to do this with you."

I stare at her in disbelief. "Really?

She nods.

"I don't know..." I say.

"Well you do know one thing."

"And that is?" I ask confused.

She smirks. "I'm helping you plan the date."

Later that day...

(Warning: Sexuals occur)

"Niall where are we going?" Sam asks as we walk down the hill towards the cabins.

I don't answer and just smile at her.

She gives me a look. "Niall answer me."

My smile grows wider as we reach the cabins.

"Niall, what are we doing at the cabins?" Sam asks confused.

I walk up to one of them and unlock the door. I had rented the cabin for the night for the date.

I open the door and Sam gasps.

Inside, rose petals were on the floors and lavender candles were lit all around the dim room. Two plates of pizza fries were on the table along with a vase of roses in the middle.

"Pizza fries?" Sam grins and I shrug.

"Hey, Brianna says you like them."

She raises an eyebrow. "Brianna helped?"

"Yeah she did."

I grab a rose and put in between my teeth and Sam laughs. I position myself in a very sexual way on the bed.

"Care for some sexuals?" I joke.

Sam laughs then turns serious. She slowly walks over to me and leans down to kiss me. She gets on top of me and straddles me, our lips still connecting. She slides her tongue across my bottom lip asking for entrance and I grant it. Our tongues battle with each other for a long while.

She breaks the kiss and looks at me. "I hope those pizza fries are good cold." She says and I stare at her.

She reconnects our lips and what was once a simple and sweet kiss turned into a rough and passionate one. I've never seen this side of Sam and I was kind of liking it...

Sam starts to unbutton my shirt and just like that my shirt was on the floor. She leaves trails of kisses to my neck and starts to suck on it, making me moan.

Soon, her shirt is on the floor and so are both of our pants. She leaves kisses all the way down to my stomach. She takes off my boxers, releasing my member.

She licks the tip of it before she takes it all in. I moan as she starts to bob her head.

"Sam!" I moan.

She finishes and I flip her so I'm on top of her.

"My turn." I whisper in her ear before I go down on her.

"Niall!" She moans as she runs her hands through my hair.

I stop and lick from her stomach to her chin, then I kiss her.

I break the kiss and look straight into her eyes.

"Are you sure?" I ask and she nods.

I thrust into her and she gasps.

"I can stop if-"

"No. Keep going." She interrupts me. "I'll be fine."

I go slow at first and after a while she starts to moan and I go faster.

She starts to claw my back as I kiss her neck.

We both yell each others names as we finish.

I roll over and lay next to her.

"Niall... That was amazing." Sam says between breathes.

I smile at her and lean over to give her a kiss on the nose.

"I love you so much, Sam."

"I love you too, Niall." She smiles at me before she sits up.

"Now how about those pizza fries?"

Dudez, this was the most awkwardest shit to write. But yeah, so y'all should vote and comment and shiz. Byez.

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