Truth Or Dare

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Brianna's POV


"Oh come on Sam!"



"No, Brianna."


"I SAID NO. WE ARE NOT GETTING ALCOHOL AND THAT'S FINAL." Sam yells pulling on my arm, dragging me away from the liquor store right next to our hotel.

Everybody is staring at us and giving us weird looks.

"Um, why can't we get alcohol?" Louis asks.

"Brianna is not allowed near alcohol anymore. She gets weird and crazy when she drinks." Sam explains.

"Isn't it illegal to drink under the age of 21 in America?" Niall asks.

"That's never stopped us before." I wink. "And Sam, we have the opportunity to drink LEGALLY now since we are in London and at the appropriate age!"

"I don't care. Remember what happened last time?" Sam reminds me.

I sigh. "Yes."

"Woah, what happened last time?" Liam asks.

Sam gives me a look. "Well, it was about a month ago and I was just coming home from my parents house in Wisconsin. Brianna was left alone for four days." She stops. "I came home to find the apartment trashed, the walls painted a completely different color, vomit on the floor, a man in a gorilla suit on the floor along with other people who I have no idea who they are, and a real live monkey in my room."

Everyone's jaw drops.

"A monkey?"

"A man in a gorilla suit?"

"She painted the walls while drunk?"

"Wait, where was Brianna?"

Sam looks at me again. "She was passed out in a tree."


"Oh we are so getting alcohol." Louis says, running in the liquor store.

"Oh my god really." Sam sighs and we all follow him into the store.

I run around the store with a smile on my face. Yes, I drank but I didn't have a drinking problem. I've never drove drunk or anything that bad. I liked my liquor but I didn't drink all the time. I usually only drank on special occasions.

After getting our alcohol, we headed to the boys hotel room. We all decided we'd hang out after dinner.

We get to the hotel room and I instantly go for the vodka.

"NO!" Sam screams as she yanks the bottle out of my hand.


"No." She puts the bottle down and hands me a beer. "You start with this first."

I don't complain and take the beer from her.

"Aw Sam, we wanted to see drunk Brianna." Zayn pouts.

"You'll get to see her later. As of now, I am trying to hold off her getting drunk for just a little while."

We all sit down as everybody grabs a drink, except for Liam of course.

"So what should we do?" Harry asks.

"Should we watch movies?"


"Really?" Niall asks surprised.

"Yeah why?" Sam asks him.

"Well not a lot of girls like scary movies that's all."

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