What is Love

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Brianna's POV


"Yes darling?"

"What's it like to be in love?"

My grandmother smiled at me. "Well sweetheart, being in love is..." She pauses and thinks for a moment.

"What is she asking about now?" My grandfather chuckles from his seat.

"She wants to know what it's like to be in love, darling."

A smile appears on my grandpas face and he comes to sit over by my grandmother. He takes her hand and smiles at her.

"You know you're in love when you can't get that one person out of your head. You love everything about the person and accept their flaws. You feel butterflies in your stomach every time you look at them. You would do anything for them. And if you end up going separate ways, you always find a way back to each other." My grandfather speaks as he stares into my grandmothers eyes.

"Did you know we weren't always together?" He looks towards me.

"What do you mean?"

"We broke up once." He says and my jaw drops.


He nods. "Long story short, I made a mistake. I hurt her. It hurt me so much to see her cry. She left, and a few months later we ran into each other and we both didn't look our best, but to me she was still beautiful. We talked things through and now we are here, together."

"You never stopped loving her?"


My grandfather takes my hand. "You'll fall in love one day sweetheart."

"But how will I know it's really love?"

He smiles.

"Trust me, you'll know."


I couldn't hold my breathe anymore. I just couldn't. I tried several times to undo my seatbelt but it wouldn't budge.

I finally gave up and closed my eyes.

I started to think of all the happy memories in my life. Getting my cat, all the weird things Sam and I did, meeting the boys, becoming friends with them. I think of Louis and how he will always be my Carrot Prince, Niall who will always be my little Leprechaun, Liam who will always be like a brother to me, Zayn who will always mean so much to me even though we broke up, Sam who will always be like my sister, and Danielle and Eleanor who I bonded with over the past month and they became my best friends...

And Harry.




My eyes widen as Harry swims through the broken windshield. I point to my seatbelt and he tugs on it with all his strength. He looks at me with his face full of worry and I stare back at him. Right at this moment, I realized my grandfather spoke the truth.

"You'll fall in love one day sweetheart."

I smile at Harry and bring my hand up to touch his cheek. His face is the last thing I see before I finally give up.

Harry's POV

Brianna's hand touches my cheek as she smiles. Then she slowly closes her eyes.


I finally get the seatbelt unbuckled and pull Brianna through the windshield. I swim as fast as I can towards the surface.

We pop up from the water and I start to swim to shore with Brianna in tow.

I get to shore and set her down on the dock.

I look down at her and it's just like when she got stuck on the weeds.

Only this time, I'm not sure she'll be okay.

"Step aside sir." A males voice warns behind me. I turn to see paramedics and I step out of the way. They lift her up in a stretcher and lift her into the ambulance.

I rush towards the ambulance but one of the paramedics stops me.

"Sir, you can't come with."

"Well to fucking bad."

"Sir, step away."

Tears start to run down my cheeks as I stare at the paramedic.

"Please." I say quietly.

He stares at me then nods.

I get in the ambulance and turn to face everyone.

"Follow us to the hospital." I say to Louis and he nods.

The paramedic closes the door and we start speeding through the campground.

"Excuse me, you both need to stay here."

"But-" Niall and I both say.

"If you are not immediate family you have to stay here." The nurse warns and the doors close.

I stand there, staring at the doors. I don't know how long I was standing there before I hear running footsteps behind me and I turn around.

"Guys." Louis and the rest of our group run up to us panting.

"We have to wait." Niall says and I hear pain in his voice.

I look over to him to see him staring at nothing in particular, his eyes red and puffy. He sniffles and puts his hands in his face. "Oh god I can't do this." He runs down the hall.

"I'll go after him-" Louis starts to head in his direction but I stop him.

"I will." I say before running after him.

I head down the hall and look around. I hear crying and I turn the corner to find Niall on a bench with his hands in his face, sobbing.

I sit down next to him and he looks up. I've never seen him like this. I've never seen him so worried and broken.

"What if Sam doesn't make it Harry?" He asks quietly.

"Don't think like that." I say sternly.

"How can I not? The girl I love could be dead right now!"


"How are you so calm, Harry?!" He shouts while getting up from his seat.

I stare at him blankly. "What?"

"Brianna is in there right now and you're so damn calm. How? Do you not give a shit about her?"

I stand up and look at him dead in the eyes.

"Of course I do! I'm freaking out on the inside right now, Niall!"

"Harry." He says coldly. "The girl you are in love with, and don't you dare tell me that you're not, is in there and she could be dying or already dead."

That's when it hit me.

I must have been in shock and denial about what had happened to Brianna. He's right. She could be dying or worse.


I sit back down on the bench and stare at the ground as tears fall.

"Why didn't I tell her?" I ask quietly.

"Tell her what?"


"That I'm in love with her."

I apologize greatly about the short chapter, but I will be updating either today or sometime soon.

Sadly, this story is coming to an end. There will only be about 5-7 chapters left of this story :( but I have other stories so feel free to check those out :)

Live long and prosper my children.

(Holds up Spock sign)

"Hey you did my thing!"

"Get out of here, Spock."


"I apologize greatly for him."

-Captain Kirk

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