I Will Always Love You

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(10 Months Later)

Brianna's POV

"El, you look absolutely stunning!" I gushed at the sight of Eleanor in her wedding dress.

Eleanor turns her head towards me and smiles. She turns back towards the mirror and smooths out her dress.

"You really think so?" She asks biting her lip.

I come up behind her and place my hand on her shoulder. "I know so."

"You think he'll like it?"

"Hun, Louis would be crazy if he didn't like it. You look like a princess." A voice says behind us. I turn and smile to find Perrie standing behind us.

Shortly after Sam and I returned home and the boys continued working, Zayn and Perrie slowly became friends again. After a while, they started to date. To my surprise, I was completely fine with it. Whatever makes Zayn happy makes me happy. They've been dating for six months now and since then Perrie and I had become great friends.

I looked at all three of us in the mirror. While Eleanor was wearing her beautiful white wedding dress, Perrie and I were wearing bridesmaid dresses. The bridesmaid dresses were simple. They were a maroon color with a little bow on the hip.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. The door opens and Sam walks in, also wearing a bridesmaid dress.

"Sam, where did Dani go?" Eleanor asks.

"I think she's with Liam doing god knows what." She chuckles. "But the groom requires the Maid of Honor."

Eleanor's smile fades and whips around. "Why? Is he okay?"

Sam shrugs. "I don't know. He just said he wanted Brianna." She stops once she sees Eleanor's worried expression and walks over to her, placing her hands on her shoulders. "Sweetie, I'm sure everything is fine."

Eleanor takes a deep breath and nods.

"Uh, Sam?" I interrupt her and she turns to face me. "Is, uh, is, um, Har-"

"He's not in there, Bri." Sam answers and I nod. I head towards the door and exit the room.

I walk down the hall of the hotel admiring how big it was. Louis and Eleanor booked the whole entire hotel just for the wedding and their guests so they could have some privacy. This place is absolutely breathtaking so it must've been expensive.

I get to Louis room and knock. After a few seconds of waiting, Louis opens the door with a pale face.

"Louis, is everything alright?" I ask walking inside of the room. Louis shuts the door and starts to pace back and forth.

"Brianna, I can't do this." He bites his lip.


"I can't get married."

I walk over to him and grab his arms.

"Yes you can. You love her."

"I know, I really do love her." He pauses. "But-"

"But what?"

Louis sighs. "She already gets enough hate as it is for being my girlfriend. Just think of the hate she will get for being my wife."

I stare blankly at him with my mouth hanging open.

"What if she can't deal with it anymore and leaves me and we get divorc-"

Before he can finish his sentence I connect my hand with his cheek.

"Don't you even dare finish that sentence. Louis William Tomlinson, you love this girl. And she loves you. Eleanor loves you so much and she would never leave you. When I was in there with her, she wasn't thinking of the fans or the hate she will get. She was thinking about you and how happy you make her. The only thing she was worried about was if you would like her dress or not."

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