The Trip To London

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Brianna's POV

"GET UP." I yelled at Sam who was laying in bed. It was 6:00 in the morning and our flight would take off at 8.

Sam groans. "No."

I start to jump on her bed. "GET UP. GET UP GET UP GET UP." I start to do a little dance while singing in various tones "Get up"

I feel a pillow smack the back of my head. I turn to see Sam glaring at me. "Get out and let me sleep. Why the hell are you even up this early? You are never up this early." She asks me. I smirk. Her mind doesn't really work well in the morning so she usually forgets things. But it was true, I am never up this early nor am I this happy this early. I couldn't really sleep all that much since I was too excited. We were leaving for London today. And we were going on a date with Harry Gorgeous Curls Styles and Niall The Blonde Leprechaun Horan. Sam had a thing for the Leppy and I had a thing for the Curly so it would work perfectly. The only thing about this I wasn't excited about was the fact we would probably never talk to them ever again. But hey, at least I will always remember the date.

"Did someone forget?" I ask.

Sam looks at me confused. "Forget what?"

I smirk.

She jumps up. "Forget what?!"

I continue to smirk as she screams, "FORGET WHAT?! BRIANNA LEANNE SCOTT TELL ME RIGHT FUCKING NOW WHAT I FORGOT OR I WILL RIP YOUR PRETTY LITTLE BLONDE HAIR OUT OF-" she stops yelling and stares at something on her wall. I turn to find a poster of One Direction. I turn and smirk again knowing that now she knew what she forgot.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. OH MY GOD. OH MY FREAKING GOD. WE ARE GOING ON A FUCKING DATE WITH FUCKING ONE DIRECTION IN FUCKING LONDON AND OH MY FUCK." She screams and we both start jumping up and down and screaming. After about two minutes of this, I run to my room to get ready and Sam rummages through her closet for something to wear. We both had packed last night so all we had to do was get ready and eat breakfast.

I picked my outfit within two minutes. My outfit consists of a pink ruffled tank top with white shorts. Nothing too fancy since I would be changing later on for the date. I look in the mirror and I start fixing my hair because its a mess in the morning. I run a brush through my dirty blonde hair and started to curl it. When I was done with my hair, I started putting a little bit of eyeliner on around my dark blue eyes and then mascara. When I was done with everything, I looked in the mirror and just stared.

"Is this really happening? Am I dreaming? Maybe I should pinch myself or something..." I whisper but I am cut short when I get pinched on my ass. Startled, I turn around to see Sam in a purple v-neck and black shorts. Her hair was straight and she had already did her make-up.

"You're not dreaming." She says with a smile on her face. I smile back and look at the clock. It was 7:30 and the airport was a 10 minute drive. We decided to just eat poptarts for breakfast and rushed out the door.

We got in a cab with our bags and headed towards the airport. I look over at Sam who is grinning like an idiot. "Sam?" I say but she doesn't respond. She was lost in thought. She was probably snogging Niall in her head. "SAM." No response. "SAMANTHA ANNE MADISON!" Still no response. My god she was really into whatever she was thinking about. I reached over and flicked her nose. That got her attention. She jumped in her seat. "Oww. What the frack Bri?" She reached over and flicked my nose. "Ow! I was getting your attention you snozzleberry!" I then flicked her nose again. "I bet you were snogging Niall in that pretty little brunette head of yours." She blushed. "N-no I wasn't." I smirked. "SURRRRE."

25 minutes later with our noses red and hurting from flicking each other the whole ride over, we are at the airport boarding our flight. "Hey Bri, guess what? We get to sit first class." Sam says pointing at her ticket. We squeal and we board. We find our seats and oh my gerd was first class amazing. We wait for take off then we see two guys about our age getting on the plane and sit in front of us. One was blonde and one had brown hair. The brunette turned around and smiled. "Hi."

I look up at him and wow ok was he cute. "Hi." I smile back. He gives me a another smile and says, "I'm Ian and this is my friend Ryan." The blond then turns around and smiles at me. He sees Sam and his smile grows. "Well hi there. What's your name?" She blushes and answers, "I- I'm Sam and this is Brianna."

We talk to the boys throughout the whole flight and we all get along well by telling jokes, stories and why we were going to London. The boys were brothers and they were visiting their Aunt who was hit by a drunk driver and in a hospital in London. I feel bad for the boys but we quickly change the subject cause I could tell they were sad about it. The whole flight goes by fast and we soon find each other hugging and saying our goodbyes in the airport. Then Sam and I find a freaking limo waiting to take us to the hotel.

"Shit!" Sam says out of nowhere. I look over confused. "What?" I ask her. She looks over to me with a sad look. "We didn't get their numbers! They were cute too! Ugh! As soon as I meet a guy I mess it up way to go Samantha."

I roll my eyes and respond, "Did you forget AGAIN that we are going on a date tonight?"

"Yeah but we probs won't talk to Harry and Niall again."

"Yeah that's true."

We get to the hotel and my god outside there were girls screaming so loud and they were everywhere. "What's going on?" I ask Sam. She just shrugs. "Beats me."

We finally make our way inside and go to the front desk. "Hi how may I help you?" A cheery girl about a few years older than us ask. "Yes, we are Brianna Scott and Samantha Madison." I say. Her eyes go wide. "You girls are so lucky! You're the girls who get to go on a date with Harry Styles and Niall Horan!" She whisper yells. I smile and say "Yes we are. And we are very excited! Can we have our keys please?" She nods and hands us our keys. "You guys are in room 333." We are about to go to our room when I stop and ask, "Hey, do you know why there are a bunch of girls outside?" She smiles and says, "You girls didn't know? One Direction are also staying in this hotel as well." Our jaws drop. We get to sleep in the same hotel as 5 sex gods. We screech and giggle and run in the elevator.

We got to our room and ermahgerd was it huge. I have never stayed in this nice of a hotel before. This has to be the best day of my life and its only 3:30 in the afternoon. We get settled in and we unpack.

We were emailed details about the date yesterday and the date would be at 6:00 pm and we would be meeting the boys at a restaurant for dinner.

2 and a half hours to go.

2 and a half hours.

And we'd be on a date with Harry Styles and Niall Horan.

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