The Concert

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Brianna's POV

I woke up to find that I wasn't in my hotel room. Where was I? Who's hotel room was I in? I slowly started to remember about my date with Zayn, how I rolled into a tree and hurt my head. Then I remember I was in One Directions hotel room.

"Hey there."

I sit up and see Harry leaning up against a wall staring at me.

"Hey. How long was I out?" I ask him.

"About four hours."

I look at the clock and see that it's 5:45. "Isn't your concert in an hour and 15 minutes? Shouldn't you guys get going?" I ask him.

"We wanted to make sure you were alright and didn't want to wake you. The boys left already with Sam. C'mon I'll take you." He offers with a smile.

5 minutes later we are in the car. We sit in silence before Harry finally speaks up.

"So, uh, how was your date with Zayn? Other than the fact that you rolled down a hill and into a tree." He asks with a smirk on his face.

"Wipe that smirk off of your face, Styles." I smile at him. "It was great. I had fun. Apparently, Zayn does not like when others say 'eh' to his face."

He laughs. "Yeah that's Zayn for ya."

We get to the arena and we sneak in the back, avoiding the crazed fans in front.

We walk up to the door and there is a muscular man there. Wait, I know him! That's their bodyguard, Paul.

He gives us a weird look. "Is she with you?" He asks Harry.

Harry nods and Paul lets us in. We walk down a hallway and reach a door that says "Dressing Room."

We walk in and oh my gawdness I am greeted by four shirtless guys. And one of them isn't wearing pants either.

"Zayn for fucks sake put on some pants." Harry yells shielding my eyes. I peak under his hand and all the boys laugh.

"I see someone's feeling better. Still can't get enough of Mr. Six-Pack?" He asks.

"BRI!" I turn around to see Sam running towards me. She engulfs me in a hug. "Are you feeling better? How's your head?"

"I'm fine Sammy." I smile at her.

"Boys. You're on in five." I turn to see Paul in the doorway. "Really Zayn? Put some pants on!"

We all laugh. "And you girls will follow me to be escorted to the front row."

Sam and I squeal and follow Paul.

"Oh my god how can the guys handle this?" Sam yells in my ear. It's so loud in here.

"I don't know-" I begin to say but I'm interrupted by louder screams as a 5 second countdown shows up on a big screen on stage.

When the boys came out, I had to cover my ears because of the screaming.

They begins singing "Na Na Na." And I begin to scream too.

Halfway through the concert Sam and I find ourselves dancing and singing along.

All of sudden I hear "BOO. NIALL GO BACK TO IRELAND! YOU DON'T BELONG IN ONE DIRECTION!" Coming from my left.

My mouth opens and I can tell Niall heard her by the way his cute smile fades as he look in our direction. Then I see an egg hit his face and crack open. Egg is all over his face. The rest of the boys all look at Niall then back over to our area.

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