The Necklace

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Brianna's POV

We were in the middle of our second kiss when the door opened. Again.

Zayn groans and turns but then his eyes go wide. I turn to see Harry who doesn't look too happy.

His fists clench up but after a few seconds he releases them and his angry look turns into a sad look. Without saying a word, he goes to his room and shuts the door.


"What was that?" I ask.

Zayn sighs. "I should probably go talk to him."

He starts to walk towards Harry's room but I stop him by putting my hand on his shoulder. "No, I will."

I walk to Harry's room and knock.

I hear a muffled "Go away." From Harry. I knock again.

"GO AWAY." He sounds angrier now.

I stand there for a moment and grab the doorknob to turn it but it's locked.

I hear footsteps and a click, then the door opens.

"I said go awa-" he stops when he sees me. "Oh. It's you." His angry look turns softer.

"Are you alright?" I ask him.

He doesn't say anything at first. "Just leave me alone."

He's about to shut the door but before it closes I put my foot in the door to stop it. I burst in his room pushing him out of the way.

"Hey!" He says.

I sit on his bed. "I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong."

He stands there without saying anything.

"Alright then. I'll just get cozy." I say as I lay down on the bed, spreading my arms and legs across the bed.

He lets out a small laugh. "Fine."

He sits down on the bed, but still doesn't say anything. He looks at me and smirks. "Looks like you're going to be here a while." He says.

"Oh Curly. You have no idea who you are dealing with." I say also smirking.

"Oh Blondie. You have no idea who YOU are dealing with." He says giving me a smile.

I smile back and get under the covers. "This bed sure is cozy." I tease him.

He smirks again and also gets under the covers beside me. "It sure is."

We lay there staring at each other for a few minutes.

"So... You and Zayn then." He asks.

"Not telling." I say with a smile.

"Oh come on. You are together aren't you?"


"Well are you?"


"Then you aren't?"


"Are you or are you not with Zayn?"




I laugh at him. "You really want to know?"

He nods. "Fine. Ill tell you and you tell me what's wrong." I say as I sit up.

He nods again. "Yes I am with Zayn."

He frowns. "Oh. I'm happy for you guys."

Is he really though?

"Now tell me what's wrong."

He sighs. "It's... It's..." He looks up at me. "Nothing. It's nothing."

I raise my eyebrow at him. "Harry."

"Well, my day hasn't been going well. That's it."


Even though I knew he was lying to me and I could tell he knew that I knew he was lying, I knew he didn't want to talk about it. "Sorry." I say.

We sit in silence. I notice him staring at my neck. He sits up with me and sits beside me. "Where's your necklace?" He asks me.

I look down. Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

"Oh. Well that bitch that was calling Niall names and throwing eggs at him ripped it off and threw it at the concert. Somebody probably found it and kept it." I say with a sad look on my face. It really was my favorite necklace.

He sits there for a moment before taking his necklace off. "Here, you can have mine."

"No, I couldn't. Ill just buy a new one." I respond but he doesn't let up.

"C'mon take it. They're practically the same necklace so you can just have this one instead of buying a new one."

"Harry, I really-"

"Just take it." He interrupts me.

I sigh. "Fine." A smile appears on his face.

"Here, turn around so I can put it on you." I do what he says and he puts the necklace on me.

I smile as I look down. "Thank you, Harry. It's really sweet of you to do this." I say to him.

"It's no problem, really." He smiles at me.

I look into his eyes and he looks into mine.

"So... You and Zayn huh?" He says.

I smile as I nod. "Yupperoni noodles."

He laughs then turns serious. "Does he... Does he make you happy?"

"Yeah. Yeah he does."

"I'm glad that you're happy."

Just then, there's a knock on the door and Zayn walks in. "Uh, hey. Is everything okay in here? You've been in here a while."

"Yeah everything's fine now." I smile up at him. Zayn looks at Harry. "Uh, are you okay now?"

He nods and looks at me.

"Now I am."

"That's good. Hey, Bri? When the boys come back with their girlfriends, would you and Sam like to meet them? And we could go out to dinner or something all nine of us." Zayn says.

I perk up. "Really? That'd be awesome! Oh gosh I hope they like Sam and I!" I say.

They both laugh at me. "They'll love you." Harry says. "You got me to like you." He says smiling.

Zayn gives Harry a weird look but I ignore it.

I was too excited to meet the girls.

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