Am I A Pretty Kitty?

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Brianna's POV

"I walked in on Harry and Sam kissing."

I freeze.

What did he just say?

No it can't be.

Sam would never do that...

Neither would Harry..


I don't know how to feel. He was about to kiss me back there. And he had just kissed Sam...

Forget about yourself Brianna! Sam just cheated on Niall! You aren't even with Harry...


"Niall..." I whisper and pull him into another hug.

How could Sam do this?

Especially to the sweetest guy I know?

I pull back from the hug and direct my eyes towards Harry and Sam.

Sam's eyes widen as she sees me give her the "death glare".

I walk up to her with Niall behind me.

"Niall-" Sam begins to say before something interrupts her.

That something was my hand.

Right across her face.

She rubs her cheek and looks down.

"How. Dare. You. I know you better than this, Sam. Why?" I ask her.

She looks up at me then at Niall and I can see tears in her eyes.

By now, Eleanor, Louis, Danielle, and Liam have walked up to us and are standing silently next to Niall. They must've seen me slap Sam.

"Niall I'm so sorry! I-it just happened! It meant nothing I swear!" She pleads.

Niall doesn't say anything. He just stares at her.

"Please just let me explain." Sam says.

After a moment, Niall nods. They both walk away as Sam explains.

As for me? Well I don't know how I feel.

I turn back to Harry. He opens his mouth to say something but I just turn right back around and walk away.

I go in the lodge and straight to the bar.

"Hey Brianna boo." Danny greets me with a smile but it soon fades.

"What's wrong?"

"Can I get a shot please?"


"Now!" I snap at him.

He looks at me with disbelief. I've never snapped at him before...

I sigh. "I'm sorry..." I whisper.

He puts down two shots of vodka and shoots one down. He hands the other to me.

I gulp it down. "Another."

After about five shots, I start to feel dizzy.

"I think that's enough." Danny says putting the bottle away.



I groan. "Danny?"


"Am I a pretty cat?"

Danny gives me a weird look before he burst out laughing.

"You're drunker than you think."

"Dat was a seriously serious question." I slur.

"Yes Bri. You are the prettiest of all the cats."

"WOOOOOO!" I throw my arms up in the air and shout.


Danny shakes his head. "I think you should head back to your camper-"

"Dance for me peasant!" I demand.



"I won't dance for you. But I'll dance with you." He says.

"YAY!" I say clapping my hands like a five year old. I take his hand and we go outside onto the dance floor.

How Low by Ludacris blasts through the stereos.

I grind on Danny and I can tell somebody's a little excited.

"Dannnnnnnykinnnssss!" I yell bringing my arms over Danny's neck.

"Can I get another drink?" I yell in his ear.

"You've had enough."

"But I want more happy juice."

"Okay you stay here. I'll be back with some happy juice." He says and I clap.

He leaves and I start to dance on my own.

"Here have some of mine." A voice says behind me.

I turn too fast and I get dizzy and start to fall over. The man grabs me and lifts me up.

"Danks for that sirrrrr." I slur.

I take a better look at him and he's about my age with beach blonde hair. He looks like a surfer dude.

"MAKE SOME WAVES! WOOOAHH THAT'S NARLEY!" I shout at nothing in particular.

The man laughs and offers me his drink. I take it and gulp it down.

"Woahh this vodka taste funny." I say.

The surfer dude smirks at me. "I added a little something."

Uh oh.

I start to walk away and I stumble up the stairs to the lodge. I go inside to try and find Danny but I can't.

I turn around and bump into somebody.

"LEEEYUMMM!" I shout.

"Woah, Bri how drunk are you?" He says.

"Liam I- I think-" I say but I start to see black dots.

"What's wrong?" Liam asks concerned.

"A guy offered m-me a d-drink and now I feelz funny." I slur.

Liam's eyes go wide. "Bri, were you drugged?"

I feel myself falling.

Then everything goes black.

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