Happy Birthday

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Brianna's POV

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUU!" Crystal sang loudly as she came into my room.

I groan. "Go away."

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUU!" Luke, Crystal's brother, sings.

"Crystal. Luke. Stop." I warn.


"Oh my god."


I finally gave up and sat up in bed. I have been staying with Crystal and her brother Luke in her cabin for the past week since I got kicked out of MY own camper by my "friends".

"Happy Birthday Brizzy." Luke sits next to me on the bed and smiles.

"Stop calling me that." I growl.

"Woah, the birthday girl is cranky."

I can't help but smile at him. I met Luke the day I met Crystal and he's become my friend since then. And I sort of developed a tiny crush on him.

"You know why I'm cranky." I say. I've told them about my grandparents and how they passed away on my birthday.

"Yeah I know." Luke gives me a sympathetic look and wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"Get out of bed!" Crystal shouts.

I lay back down and cover my entire body with the covers.


"Don't make me do it." Luke warns.

I poke my head out of the covers. "You wouldn't dare."

Luke smirks and pulls the blankets off of me and grabs ahold of my legs.

"LUKE NOO!" I scream as he yanks me off of the bed.

"LET ME GO!" I yell.

He laughs and drags me out of the bedroom and into the dining room.

He lets go of me and I stand up and glare at him.

"You son of a-" I stop when I look behind him to find three plates of chocolate chip waffles and three large glasses of orange juice.

A smile appears on my face.

"You guys didn't have to." I say.

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