Bipolar Bear

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Brianna's POV

"Stop playing with my hair!"

"Aww what's the matter? Someone doesn't like their curls touched?"

"Louis stop."

"But I want to play with your curls."

"Maybe I don't want you to."

"Well someone's on their man period."

"Oh shut up Louis!"

"Make me!"

Oh. My. God. I have been on this plane with the boys and their girlfriends for almost ten hours now and I'm about to lose my frickin mind if they don't shut up.

I groaned. "Oh my god Louis will you just stop playing with Harry's curls!" I spat at them and they gave me weird looks.

"Well looks like someone else is also on their period." Louis smirks at me.

I give him my famous death glare that Sam always flinches when she sees. She knows by now if someone receives the death glare, they are put on my bad side.

"Oh shit." Sam says quickly getting up from her seat and moving to one farther away.

Louis looks confused. "What?"

I stand up and tower over Louis. "If you don't shut up I will rip your dick off and feed it to alligators. Now get up and move away from Harry."

He looks at me wide eyed and frozen.

"NOW!" I yell and he jumps up and sits next to Sam.

Harry chuckles. "Oh shut up Curly." I spit at him and he instantly stops chuckling and gulps. I sit down next to him and he tenses up.

I laugh. "Don't worry I'm not going to rip YOUR dick off and feed it to alligators."

He sighs in relief. "But I am going to feed it to sharks." I add.

His eyes go wide and I laugh again. "I'm just kidding."

"Geez bipolar much?" I hear him say and I laugh even harder. I hear Sam start to laugh also.

Everyone is staring at us with confused looks on their faces.

"What's so funny?" Niall asks.

Sam and I stop laughing, look at each other, then start to laugh again.

"I'm- I'm-" I say between laughs. "I'm a bipolar bear!"

Sam and I laugh even harder. The thing about me and Sam is that when your parents and the parents of your best friend are best friends with each other, you grow up together and are practically best friends since birth. When you are best friends with someone for 19 years, you have TONS of inside jokes together and the 'bipolar bear' joke was one of them. No one else really found it funny but us.

"Um... Okay then." Louis says, sinking in his seat when he sees me glare at him again.

A voice comes up on the speakers. "Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your pilot speaking. We will be landing in about two minutes."

"Finally!" I yell.

The plane lands. We exit the plane and a huge smile appears on both Sam and I's faces. It's been a few months since we've been in Wisconsin and we missed it.

We grab our luggage and thankfully there isn't many people at the airport so hopefully the boys won't get recognized.

We put our luggage in the taxis and get in. I look out the window and watch as we drive through the familiar town I grew up in.

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