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Niall's POV

We were all walking through the park. Sam and I were walking together and Harry and Brianna were walking ahead of us. I was having an amazing time and I can tell that Harry was too by the way he looked at Brianna. I think he was forming a little crush.

To be honest, I only agreed to this date because management said that they would pay for it and well hey, free food.

And I wasn't complaining because I was walking with a beautiful girl.

"So, do you play any instruments?" I ask Sam.

"Yeah I like to play the piano."

"Cool! I play the guitar."

"I know."

Awkward silence.

"I mean... Oh god I sounded stalkerish. I meant like I know because of interviews you did a-and you play on stage." Sam quickly says.

I just laugh. "It's okay I know what you meant."

She blushes. Wow she is so cute.


"Huh?" I ask confused.

Harry and Brianna have stopped walking and turned back at us.

"Well, y-you just said that I was... Cute." Sam says.

My eyes widen. I hear Brianna and Harry chuckle and Harry is smirking at me.

"Well, I, um... Hey have you guys ever been to one of our concerts?" I ask quickly changing the subject.

Harry laughs and Sam blushes.

"No." Brianna says.

"What?!" Harry and I say in unison.

"I know I know. We've been fans for three years and we haven't been to one of your concerts."

Harry and I exchange looks and I could tell he was thinking the same thing as me.

"Well..." Harry starts. "There's one tomorrow. Would you guys wanna come? We could get you front row tickets and you can hang with us backstage."

The girls squeal. "Really?"

"Yeah and you get to meet the rest of the boys!" I say.

"How bout you meet them tonight? After the date?" Harry tells them.

"You guys are amazing!" Brianna squeals.

And then she shrieks.

"What's wrong?" Harry frantically asks.

"The London Eye! Can we go?" She asks.

He lets out a sigh of relief. "God you scared me!" She giggles. "Sure we can."

Harry's POV

"Wow." Brianna exclaims. We are on the London eye and she is looking out at London from above. She looks like a kid in a candy store. She's adorable.

Niall and Sam are in a different capsule so Brianna and I were alone. I was staring at her again. I couldn't help it. She was beautiful.

"It's so beautiful." She says.

"Yes you are." I say. I then realize what I just said and find her looking at me blushing.

"Thanks." She pauses. "You ain't to bad yourself Curly."

We both laugh. The sound of her laugh is amazing. I've only known this girl for almost 3 hours and I feel like she's special to me.

I'm staring again. Into those beautiful blue eyes.

And they're staring back.

I don't know what I'm doing. I just slowly lean in. She does the same.

What's happening.

Oh my god are we gonna-

"Alright get off." A voice says.

We both jump apart. Crap it was time to get off. Goddamn we were just about to...

Wait. Did I really feel that way about her? I haven't known her that long...

I didn't know what I felt. The only thing I knew was I was going to kiss her.

And she was going to kiss me back.

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