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Brianna's POV

As soon as I open my eyes, I see Zayn's sleeping face. He's so gorgeous when he sleeps.

He's going to hate me for what I'm about to do.

I reach for my phone on the nightstand, first checking the time to find that it's 6:45 and then I take a picture of his sleeping face.

@zaynmalik is going to hate me for this. Love you babe!

I attach the photo and post it. Just seconds later people have already favorited and retweeted it. Yup. He's definitely going to hate me.

I put my phone down and position myself so I'm sitting and straddling him.

"Mmm. Well this is a nice way to wake up." He says when he opens his eyes.

I just laugh. "Good morning handsome."

"Good morning beautiful."

I smile at him and lean down to kiss him. The kiss lasted longer than I expected. He ran his tongue along my lip asking for entrance and I gave it to him. Our tongues explored each other and this innocent little kiss turned into a very heated make out session. His hands grabbed my waist and I placed my hands on his muscular arms. A moan escaped his lips and I could feel something poking me. Well hello there...


We stop kissing and I turn my head to find Louis and Eleanor standing in the doorway of my bedroom.

"Guys, it's not what you think. We were just having a nice make out session before you came rudely barging in." I explained getting off of Zayn.

"I wonder what would have happened if we didn't come in when we did." Eleanor gives me a wink.

"Sorry to cock block you Zayn, but we will be heading to the airport in 40 minutes." Louis says walking out of the bedroom.

I get off the bed and head for my closet. "You should go back to your room to get your things and get dressed. I'll see you in a bit. Oh and Zayn? I would check twitter." I say.

He takes out his phone and walks out of the room. A few seconds later I hear, "OH COME ON BRI REALLY?" And I laugh.

I get dressed not bothering to put make up on since by the time we get to my parents house it'll be late. I walk out to find Sam sitting on the couch waiting for me.

"So, I hear you and Zayn were having some fun?" She raises her eyebrow at me and smirks.

"Oh shut up we were just making out." I explain and she rolls her eyes. "I'm sure you were." She says.

"Are you ready?" I ask her.

She gets up. "Yup. The boys should be waiting for us downstairs. I'll go ahead and check out. See you in a few." She says as she gets up with her stuff and walks out the door.

Sam's POV

I got on the elevator and pushed the button for the lobby.

I can't stop thinking about Niall. Niall is... Amazing. We've only been together for a few days but I feel safe with him. He makes me laugh, smile, and he makes me feel happy. I haven't felt that way since...

My thoughts were interrupted by the elevator door opening. I walk out of the elevator to find paparazzi outside the window and the boys on the couches by the door in their own conversations and I walk up to them.

"He put the pickle WHERE?" I hear Louis say.

"Umm guys?" They all turn to me. "Oh hey Sam." Niall says getting up and putting his arm around me.

"What were you guys talking about? Who put a pickle where?" I ask.

They all burst into laughter. "What?" I ask.

"Nothing. Hey, where's Bri?" Niall asks me.

"She should be heading down now. But I'm going to check out now." I say as I head to the front desk.

After I finish checking out, I turn around and run into someone.

"Oh I'm so-" I begin to say. "Oh it's just you."

Harry laughs. "Just because its me doesn't mean you don't have to apologize."

"Whatever." I try to keep a serious face but I fail and end up smiling.

"So um... Can I ask a favor of you?" He asks me biting his lip.

"Sure what's up?"

"Well, uh, by any chance is there a piano down at Brianna's campground?" He asks me.

I give him a confused look. "Yeah, there's one in the lodge. Why do you ask?"

"Um, Niall said you play the piano..."

"Yeah and?"

"I was wondering... If you could possibly... Teach me how to play?" He asks.

I stand there confused. "You want to play the piano? Why?"

"Just... Please?"

"Oh. Um sure I can teach you." I say.

His face brightens. "Really? Thank you! But don't tell the guys okay? Or Brianna."


"Please Sam?"

I sigh. "Okay fine."

"Thank you so much!" He says as he hugs me.

"Can't. Breathe." I say as he squishes me.

"Oh sorry!" He pulls away.

I hear the elevator ding and I turn to see Brianna waving at us.

"Hey guys! Are you ready to go?" She asks.

"Yup. Let's go!" Harry says.

As I walk, I watch Harry and how he has a giant smile on his face.

What the flapjack was that all about?

-Sorry about the short chapter! I didn't really know what to write for it. But why do you think Harry wants to know how to play the piano? Comment and vote!-

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