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Brianna's POV

Harry and Megan have been dating for about a week now. To be honest, I don't really like Megan. Maybe I'm just jealous, but I have my suspicions of Megan.

"I think we should call it a night." Liam says yawning.

We were all pretty tired and it was already two in the morning.

Fifteen minutes later, everyone is in bed asleep. Well, except for Megan, Harry, Niall and I.

"Oh my god I wish they'd just shut up already." Niall says from the pull out couch and I laugh.

Harry and Megan were in the bedroom talking and giggling loudly which is the reason why I can't sleep.

"I know. Like seriously serious I'm trying to sleep." I say.

Harry and Megan kept talking so Niall and I decided to talk, tell jokes, and laugh. When we couldn't find anything else to talk about, we started drawing on a sleeping Sam's face. Niall was drawing rainbows and unicorns while I, being the best friend I was, was drawing profanity and penises and occasionally the penis for a unicorn horn.

After a while, Harry and Megan stopped talking and so had Niall and I. Niall was snoring away while I still couldn't sleep. I had a lot on my mind.

Harry and Megan was one of them. Harry barely left Megan's side and I swear to god he was wrapped around her finger. He claims to be "madly in love" with her. Blah.

I decide to scroll through twitter and try to get my mind off of things. It didn't help since everyone was talking about Harry and Megan's relationship. I looked on Megan's profile and gagged as I saw all the pictures she posted of her and Harry.

I hear someone move from the bedroom and the door opens.


"Oh hey Megan." I say and she jumps.

"Oh, I, uh didn't now anyone was still awake." She bites her lip trying not to make eye contact with me. What's up with her?

"Couldn't sleep?" I ask sitting up. Sure, I don't like her but I wasn't going to act like it.

"Uh, yeah, I was gonna go for a walk." She says.

"Oh. Want me to join? I can't really sleep either." I ask.

"No!" She practically yells while putting her hands up.

I blink and stare at her. "Um, okay then." I say.

She bites her lip and quickly walks out of the door.

I sit there for a few seconds before I go to the window and watch her walk down the hill. I quickly run to the door and quietly open it and step outside and quietly close it.

I start to follow her down the hill. She seemed really suspicious and I think something's up.

Being the clumsy person I am, I trip and it makes a noise. She stops and I do a summersault and roll into a bush right before she turns around.

I'm a ninja.

She shrugs and starts to walk again. I crawl out of the bush and stand up. I quietly start to follow her and I'm extra careful with where I step this time.

I follow Megan to the cabin areas. Maybe she's going back to her campsite.

But I thought she had a camper, not a cabin...

She goes up to cabin 1.

Danny's cabin.

What is she doing at Danny's cabin?

She walks up and knocks. A few seconds later the door opens and Danny appears. He smiles and hugs her.

Maybe they're friends.


My jaw drops as I watch as Danny and Megan kiss each other.

I knew there was something suspicious about her.

How could she do this to such a sweet guy like Harry?

She goes into Danny's cabin and the door closes.

I sneak up to the windows and peer in. I don't see anyone in the kitchen window, no one in the living room, and no one in the dining room. I get to the bedroom window and I gasp.

Danny's shirt was off and so was Megan's. they were making out on the bed.


By now I'm furious. I was going to barge right in there and stop what they were doing and confront her.

But I had a better idea.

I go up to the lodge and sit in the gazebo. I had the perfect view of the cabin from there.

I waited and waited and I think I was sitting there for hours and I check my phone for the time.


Are you fucking kidding me?

I shoot up from my seat as the door to the cabin opens and Megan walks out. She starts to walk back to the camper and I follow her.

"Have a nice time?" I say and she whips around.

"B-Brianna I-I, what are you doing?" She stutters.

I get up right in her face.

"Look, I saw what you were doing with Danny. How the hell could you do that to Harry? I knew there was something I didn't like about you." I spit in her face.

"Brianna I-I," she starts but stops and her look turns cold. I stand there confused.

"Look here," she says. "You don't tell anyone this."

I scoff. "And why would I do that?"

"Who would believe you?"

I stand there shocked. "I'm pretty sure everyone would."

"Oh please. I have your friends wrapped around my finger." She says smirking.

My fists clench up. "I'm telling him."

"Go ahead. See what happens." She says before turning around but I stop her.

"Why are you even dating Harry if you're going to cheat on him?" I ask.

She stops and turns to me. "Isn't it obvious? For the fame of course."

I stand there shocked. "What?"

She laughs. "Oh please. You don't really think I like him, do you?"

"Excuse me?" I spit.

She smirks before she turns back around and starts to walk away.

I stand there shocked. Does she really think that I'm not going to tell? And does she really think she has them wrapped around her finger and they would believe her and not me?

Would they?

Hey guys! So I think you guys should go read "The Rebels" by @Sammy_Cakes! That is all! :)

Live long and prosper (holds up hand and does the Spock thing)

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