Meeting the Boys

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Brianna's POV

The limos were taking us back to the hotel. Sam and I sat in silence for a few minutes before she finally spoke.

"I just can't believe it. I still can't believe it. We just went on a date with Niall Horan and Harry Styles." She says.

I smirk. "And Niall called you cute."

She blushes. "And Harry said you had a pretty name. Do you think they... Like us?"

I don't say anything because my mind was somewhere else. Just ten minutes ago, Harry Styles almost kissed me. And I was going to kiss him back. I wonder what would have happened if he had kissed me.

My thoughts were interrupted by Sam. "We're here. My god we get to meet the rest of the boys!" We exit the limo and wait for Harry and Niall to pull up in the other limo. Luckily, the fans had gone and so did the paparazzi. The boys pull up and we head inside. Well, Sam and I ran because we couldn't contain our excitement. We all got to the elevator and we jump up and down while the boys laugh at us.

The elevator opens and we run out. We stop when we realize we have no idea what room it was.

"What room?" I ask.

I see Harry and Niall both stop and give each other a weird look.

Harry's POV

"What room?" Brianna asks.

Both Niall and I stop. Shit. I forgot that management said it wasn't a good idea for us to tell them our room number or our phone numbers. We exchange a look and Niall shrugs. Well, I guess it's not that bad of idea.

We continue to walk with two confused girls following behind us. We reach our room 246.

As soon as I open the door I am greeted by Louis tackling me into the hallway.

"I MISSED MY HAZZA!" He yells while he sits on top of me.

"Oh I see you didn't miss me." Niall fake pouts. Louis looks up and he was about to tackle Niall when he sees the girls standing there laughing.

Louis looks at me. "Harry, what did I tell you about bringing girls back to the hotel room? You're always to loud in the bedroom. Especially when there is two of them." He smirks at me.

My eyes go wide and I blush. By now the girls are up against the wall laughing their arses off.

Gee thanks Lou.

I push him off me and stand up when I hear someone say, "Guys get in the bloody room before I have to drag you and so help me I will-"

I look to see Liam standing at the door staring at the girls. He looks confused. I introduce the girls to him.

"Liam, Louis, this is Brianna and this is Sam. They are the winners of the contest." I explain.

He smiles and walks over to them. "Hi! I'm Liam. Nice to meet you both." He shakes their hands. He then continues to smile and stare at Sam which is starting to bother Niall.

"Well lets all go inside shall we." I say pulling Brianna into the room and Niall pulls Sam into the room as well. Liam and Louis follow after us.

I spot Zayn sitting on the couch and as soon as he sees us he gets up and pokes Niall in the chest.

"I swear to god if you ever eat Louis carrots again I will hurt you. He hasn't shut up about it since you left and I-" he stops when he sees the girls.

"Zayn, this is Sam and this is Brianna. They won the contest." Niall says.

Zayn doesn't say anything at first. He just smiles. I notice he's staring at Brianna.

He walks over to her. "Erm, hi." He says while fixing his hair a bit. "I'm Zayn." He says and shakes her hand.

"Hi! It's really great to finally meet you!" She says smiling.

We all chat for a bit and I can tell the girls are happy as ever to be here. But I notice something.

"Hey where's Louis?" I ask. We all look around the room but he's nowhere in sight.

Just then, he jumps out of the bathroom with a squirtgun and aims it at me. "THIS. IS. SPARTAAAAAAA!" He yells.

I move out of the way as soon as he squirts it and I hear a squeal behind me. I turn to find Brianna with her face dripping with water.

Everyone gasps.

Brianna's POV

"THIS. IS. SPARTAAAAA!" Louis screams as he jumps out of the bathroom with a squirtgun. He aims it at Harry but he dodges it and all of a sudden water hits my face and I squeal.

I hear everyone gasp.

"Louis! You idiot!" Harry yells at him.

Louis looks at me with his eyes wide. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry! That was meant for Harry!"

I look over and spot a squirtgun on the table next to me. I smirk.

"You better run." I say.

Louis looks confused. "Wha-" is all he can say before I squirt water in his face.

Everyone laughs and he stands there for a few seconds before smiling.


This is going to be fun.

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