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Harry's POV

"I know where she's going."

I look at Sam. "Where?"

Sam gets up and walks over to me. "Can I talk to you?"

She gives Megan a smile before she pulls me into the camper so no on can hear us.

Then she hits me.

"Ow! Hey what was that for?" I say.

"You idiot! What happened to writing Brianna a song? What happened to be being in love with her?" She whisper yells.

"Oh come on! Megan's a really sweet girl and I like her. And Brianna needs time since her break up with Zayn."

Sam raises an eyebrow. "So you're just using Megan until you can get Brianna?"

My eyes widen. "What? No, I would never do that. It's just, I don't know." I say running a hand through my hair.

Sam sighs. "Just go down to the docks by the beach."


"Just go!" She points to the door.

I walk out the door.

"Megan, I'll be back. How about you get acquainted with everyone." I say before I run down to the hill.

I get to the docks and I see a figure sitting at the end of the docks with their feet in the water.

I start walking on the dock and the figure turns their head.

"Oh. Hey." Brianna says as I sit down next to her and put my feet in the water.

"What's wrong?" I ask her. "You seemed pretty upset."

She ignores my question. "So you and Megan, huh?"

I nod. "She's a really nice girl. I think you two will be great friends."

Brianna looks at me. She looks like she's about to cry then smiles.

She turns back and looks at the sun that is setting.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" She says softly. I look at the sun and smile.

"It is."

She turns to me and smiles. "Almost every night I was here, I would always come down to the docks and watch the sun set. It's just so pretty. Even when I was little I loved it. My grandparents took me down here and my they'd tell me stories as we watched. I would be the happiest I've ever been when I'm here. They told me that they'd always come to this exact spot together every day and watch the sunset together." She pauses and starts to swish her toes in the water. "When I came back here for the first time after my grandparents died, I was really excited to watch the sun set with them as they told me the story about how they met. Then I remembered that they're not here anymore. So I came here alone. I sat and thought about all the memories with them and I was happy."

She stops and looks over at me. The sun was shining light so perfectly on her.

"I'd try to get Sam down here but she's too lazy." She laughs. "It's good to actually sit next to someone in this spot while watching again."

I smile at her and scoot over closer to her.

She rested her head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around her waist.

"You know, I always told my grandpa that I'd find someone special like my grandma is to him. He then told me the story of how he proposed to her."

She smiles and continues the story.

"It was on this dock in this very spot. They were watching the sunset like they always did and when my grandmother wasn't looking he got down on one knee, but he dropped the ring in the water. My grandma didn't see this but he jumped into the water to get it. When he reached the surface my grandma was yelling and she was confused. He got up on the dock, got down on one knee, and asked her. He was soaking wet." She starts to laugh.

I laugh with her. She looks me in the eyes.

"I hope one day I get asked in this very spot, too. It would be the most sweetest and special thing anyone could do for me. I know it's not much and every girl usually wants 'Will You Marry Me' said in fireworks, or to be sung to, or something really big but I just want this simple little thing."

We stare at each other for the longest time and we don't even notice that the sun was already set.

This moment is perfect. Usually, when people stare at each other it's awkward but I don't feel that way. I can't describe how perfect this is. I've never felt this way about a girl before. I usually don't have these kinds of feelings for someone. The girl I love is in my arms right now and she's staring at me with her deep blue eyes-


Did I just say love?

Am I really in love with her?

"Brianna. I... I think I lo-" I start to say before I'm interrupted by a voice behind me.

"Harry." I turn around to see Megan standing there.

"Oh, uh hey babe." I say pull my arm away from Brianna and stand up.

"Harry, can you bring me back to my cabin?" She bats her eyelashes at me.

"Um, sure babe." I smile at her.

"Bye Bri." I say.

She waves and gives me a weak smile. I wish I knew what she was upset about.

I'm really sorry about the short chapter guys but I will try to update tomorrow and make it longer. Any thoughts on Megan?

You should follow me, comment, vote, and share and also read my other story "Trust Me" if you like Harry Styles fanfictions. And if anyone is good with this kind of stuff if they could make me a cover cause I'm using an app on my phone that gives me limited options.

And also go read "The Rebels" by @Sammy_Cakes!

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