A Whole New World

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Brianna's POV

It was 12:30 and I was eating cereal at the counter in the kitchen. My eyes wandered around the hotel room admiring how big it was. It was almost as big as Sam's and I's apartment. Normally when I'm at hotels, it's just one room with two beds. This one had a living room, a kitchen, three bathrooms (two connected to each bedroom and one connected to the living room) and two bedrooms. I never thought hotels would be this amazing. And it all was free!

I finished eating my cereal and headed to my room. I had to be at Zayns room in a half hour for our "date" and I was still in my pajamas. I searched my closet for something casual to wear since we were only going to watch movies.

I finally settle for a blue v-neck and some black yoga pants. I brush my hair and put on my normal make-up.

It's now 12:50 and I walk out of my room expecting to see Sam only she's not there. I remember her talking to Niall about a date so she must be out to lunch or something with him.

I head to the boys room and I can't help but think about what those girls Leah and Ashley were saying last night at the concert. Did Harry and Zayn really like me like that? I only met them two days ago so I don't see how-

I realize I've been standing at their door for almost a minute now. I knock on the door and Zayn opens it. He gives me a smile.

God that smile.

"Hey. Come in." He says and I walk in.

"Where are the guys?" I ask him.

"Liam and Louis are both out with their girlfriends, Harry went out and I don't know where and Niall-" he stops and smirks. "Niall is out to a movie with Sam."

I smile. "OOOOOOO!"

He laughs. "Looks like you and me got the whole place to ourselves." He gives me a smirk.

I couldn't help but smile at him. "Now don't get any ideas ZaynieBear."

He laughs again. God I love his laugh.

"Well what movie shall we watch first?" He says as he hands me a bunch of movies. I look through them all and I gasp. "OMG THIS ONE!"

I hand him the movie and he gives me a look. "Really? Aladdin?" He asks smiling.

"YES. I love Disney movies! Now put it in!" I shout.

He gives me another smirk. It takes me a while to realize what I said. "Oh my god not like that. Dirty, dirty boy." I tsk at him and he laughs.

He makes some popcorn and we sit to watch the movie. I notice we are sitting really close together. We occasionally touch hands when we reach for the popcorn and quickly take our hands away and blush.

I watch the movie with a smile on my face. I absolutely love this movie, especially the part where they sing "A Whole New World."

Speaking of, we come to that part of the movie. I see Zayn look at me in the corner of my eye and his lips slowly form into a smile. I wonder what he's thinking of.

As soon as Aladdin starts to sing, I hear another voice singing also. I turn to see Zayn singing to me.

"I can show you the world, shining, shimmering, splendid. Tell me princess, now when did you last let your heart decide." Zayn sings.

Oh my god is this really happening to me?

"I can open your eyes. Take you wonder by wonder. Over sideways and under on a magic carpet ride."

Oh my god it is happening.

Zayn stands up and takes my hand, making me stand up with him. We're face to face with each other as he continues to sing.

"A whole new world. A new fantastic point of view. No one to tell us no, or where to go, or say we're only dreaming."

"A whole new world," I start to sing and he looks surprised. I love to sing and I wasn't that bad at it. "A dazzling place I never knew." I jump on the couch. "But when I'm way up here, it's crystal clear, that now I'm in a whole new world with you."

"Now I'm in a whole new world with you." He sings as he jumps up on the couch with me with a smile on his face.

"Unbelievable sights, indescribable feeling, soaring, tumbling, freewheeling, through an endless diamond sky. A whole new world," I close my eyes knowing what the next lyrics would be.

"Don't you dare close your eyes." He sings and lifts my chin up. I open my eyes to see him smiling and I smile back.

"A hundred thousand things to see"

"Hold your breath it gets better."

"I'm like a shooting star, I've come so far, I can't go back to where I used to be,"

I jump off the couch and he does the same. I begin to walk away from him and continue singing.

"A whole new world," he sings.

"Every turn a surprise." I turn around to face him.

"With new horizons to pursue"

"Every moment red letter."

We both start to sing together. "I'll chase them anywhere, there's time to spare, let me share this whole new world with you."

We start to walk towards each other.

"A whole new world"

"A whole new world."

"That's where we'll be."

"That's where we'll be."

We get closer and closer.

"A thrilling chase."

"A wondrous place."

We're now literally an inch apart. My heart starts to beat faster and faster.

We sing together while leaning in.

"For you and me..."

A second after we stop singing, he closes the gap between us and smashes his lips against mine.

Oh my god.

He kissed me.

As soon as he kisses me, I don't hesitate to kiss him back. Our lips move in sync. My god this feels... Amazing.

We stop to catch our breath.

We look at each other again and we once again connect our lips together. I don't know how long it was until we hear the door open.

We quickly pull away from each other, startled. There, standing in the doorway...

Are Niall and Sam.

And they're smirking at us.

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