The Date With Zayn

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Brianna's POV

*beep beep*

I groan as I reach and grab my phone on the nightstand next to my bed. Who is texting me at 11 in the morning?

Ok I admit I usually sleep in til noon. I am definitely not that big of a fan of mornings.

I check my phone to see I have a new message from Zayn. I smile.

From: ZaynieBear

To: BrizzyBear

Morning Bri :) did you have sweet dreams about me? ;)

His text makes me smile.

To: ZaynieBear

From: BrizzyBear

Of course I did ;)

From: ZaynieBear

To: BrizzyBear

Good cause I had sweet dreams about you :) anways ill stop by your room in an hour and we'll go to lunch?

Lunch? Crap I forgot I had a date with Zayn today.


I have a date.

With Zayn.



To: ZaynieBear

From: BrizzyBear

Of course! Where are we going?

From: ZaynieBear

To: BrizzyBear

Not telling ;) it's a surprise.

I groaned as I got out of bed and headed to the closet. Hmm... What to wear...

I checked my phone for the weather and it was supposed to be in the high seventies to low eighties today.

I grabbed some black jean shorts and a red tank top.

I straightened my hair and put on my makeup and when I was done I skipped out of my room and into the living room where Sam was sitting eating cereal.

"Well someone's happy. It's not even noon yet, why are you up?" She asks me.

I smile at her. "I have a date."

She choked on her cereal. "You what? With Harry?"

"Well, no..."


"Um, Zayn?"

She raises an eyebrow and me and smirks. "You have a date with Zayn Malik?"

"Well I don't know if you'd call it a date. It's just lunch." I explain.

"And he was the one who asked you?"

"Yup." I say popping the 'p'.

"Lucky bitch."

"Oooo someone's jealous. What, did Niall not ask you out?"

She gives me a blank stare. "Well no, but someone may have asked me over to their hotel room to hang out with him and the guys."

"Niall did?"


I give her a confused look. "Who?"


I smirk. "I noticed yesterday you were blushing when he smiled at you."

Again, she chokes on her cereal. "N-no I wasn't."

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