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Harry's POV

"Harry Styles?" The doctor walks into the waiting room and I jump from my seat.

"Yes, that's me."

Everybody stands up as the doctor walks over to us.

"Are you all here for Samantha Madison and Brianna Scott?" He asks.

"Yes we are." I nod.

"Well, Samantha was unconscious when she arrived and her heart had stopped beating." He says and I glance at Niall who's face is pale and looks as if he's about to cry.

"But we were able to resuscitate her. She's awake but needs to rest." As soon as the doctor says this Niall breathes a sigh of relief.

"You may all go see her if you wish."

Niall looks as if he's about to run but stops.

"What about Brianna?" He asks.

The doctor looks at all of us and he gives us sympathetic looks.

"She hasn't woken up yet."

I stare at the doctor blankly and gulp. "What?"

"We still have to run some tests. She hit her head pretty hard on something and that caused a lot of damage."

"Can we see her?" Louis asks with sadness in his voice.

"Only one of you at a time." He insisted before he turns and leaves.

"Harry should go first." Louis suggests and everyone agrees.

Everyone looks at me expectingly and I take a deep breath before I start to walk towards Brianna's room.

My legs feel weak as I reach her room. I grab the handle and stop when I realize my hand is shaking. I twist the the handle and walk in with my eyes closed.

I slowly open my eyes and put my hand over my mouth when I see her. Her face is pale and lifeless, not the way I'm used to. But she was still beautiful in my eyes.

I slowly walk over to the bed and take a seat in the chair. My eyes start to water as I stare at the girl I'm in love with lay in a hospital bed.

I know Megan had something to do with this. She was bad from the start.

Brianna doesn't belong here. If I had only listened to her when she told me about Megan. If I had only believed her from the start then maybe this wouldn't have happened. It's my fault that Brianna is in here. I brought Megan into my life and Brianna was only trying to save me from her.

She must really care about me...

I feel like such an idiot. Why did I even like Megan? Sure, she was pretty but there was nothing that I really liked about her. I guess I was just so tired of being alone.

I had almost forgotten about the song that I had written for Brianna. I hadn't finished it yet and I never even sang it for her.

I wipe away a tear and take a deep breath before I start to do something that I should have done a long time ago.

"Now you were standing there right in front of me

I hold on, it's getting harder to breathe

All of a sudden these lights are blinding me

I never noticed how bright they would be"

I struggle through the song as tears run down my cheeks. I grab Brianna's hand and continue to sing to her.

"I saw in the corner there is a photograph

No doubt in my mind it's a picture of you

It lies there alone in its bed of broken glass

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