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Harry's POV

I've been talking to this girl Megan for a while now. She seems pretty cool. Although she is a brunette and I like blondes...

Like Brianna.

"Harry?" Megan's voice took me out of my trance.


"I asked if I could have your number?"

"Oh, um sure why not."

I put my number on her phone and handed it back to her.

"You okay? You seem really out of it." She says.

"Sorry I have something on my mind." I explain.

That something was Brianna.

She looked so hurt when she found out that Sam and I kissed. And she slapped Sam. Her best friend. She must've been really pissed...

"Well I know what can get your mind off of things." Megan says rubbing my arm and getting closer to me.

"Hey Harry!" Danny comes running up to me and Megan backs off.

"I need your help. Can you bring Brianna back to the camper? She's pretty drunk."

"Oh um sure." I say. "Call me and we can do something sometime." I say to Megan before I leave.

We walk over to the deck stairs and stop. Danny looks confused as he looks around.

"She was right here." He says.

"GUYS!" Liam shouts as he runs down the stairs with Danielle.

"Liam! What happened to your eye?" I point to Liam's eyes which is now black and blue.

"Guys! Brianna's been drugged and kidnapped!"

I freeze.


Liam's POV

"Liam-" Brianna says as she starts to fall.

"Woah!" I catch her before she falls. "Brianna!" I set her gently on the floor.

"I believe that's mine." I look up to see a guy who looks like a surfer standing there.

"Excuse me?" I say.

"She's mine." He smirks.

I'm now filled with rage. "YOU DRUGGED HER YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I yell punching him straight in the face.

"Liam!" I hear Danielle scream behind me.

She runs up to me and looks down at Brianna. "Oh my god what happened?"

"Oh look." Surfer dude licks his lips. "Dessert."

"THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND YOU FUCKER!" I yell punching him again.

This time, be punches me back and I fall to the floor.

"Liam!" Danielle rushes over towards me.

I get dizzy for a few seconds then I stand up. Surfer dude is now carrying Brianna.

"Put her down." I growl.

It's too late. He's already out the door with her. Danielle and I chase after him but he's gone.

"Fuck!" I yell.

I spot Harry and Danny by the end of the stairs and I run towards them.

Harry's POV

"She was drugged?" I shout.

"Who was drugged?" I turn my head to see Zayn, Niall, Louis, Eleanor, and Sam behind Danny.

"Some douche drugged Brianna and kidnapped her!" Liam explains.

Zayn's eyes go wide. "WHAT? WHO?"

"I don't know!" Liam exclaimed.

"Bruce!" Danny yells to an older and buffer man who is the campground security along with two others. He then explains the situation to them.

"What does he look like?" Bruce asks Liam.

"Well, he's blonde and kinda looks like a surfer dude..."

"I know him! He's in cabin 12!" He says and starts to run towards the cabins. "C'mon!"

We run after him.

Oh god I hope she's all right...

Brianna's POV

I woke up in a bedrooms of one of the cabins.

What am I doing here?

I try to move but I can't. I try to call out for help but I can't.

I can't do anything.

"Looks like she's awake." I hear a voice say.

"Good." I hear another voice say.

"Lets have some fun." Another voice.

Surfer dude walks over to me and smirks.

"We're gonna have a little fun with you."

I try to yell out but I can't. I want to yell for Harry, but I can't. I can't...

I start to cry. I'm absolutely useless. I can't defend myself. I feel so weak. So vulnerable.

The other guy walks over to the other side of me and lifts my arm off. Then he takes my shirt off.

The tears start to flow freely now.

Surfer dude gets on top of me and starts to move his hands all over my body. He leans in closer and starts to leave sloppy kisses on my neck and trails them down to my stomach.

Then he starts to unbutton my pants.

Before he could do anything more, the door bursts open.



Thank god.

I see everyone else standing behind him.

"What the-" is all surfer dude can say before Harry yanks him off of me and starts to punch him repeatedly.

The rest of the guys start to get in fights with the others and all I can do is lay here. I can't move.

"Bri!" Sam runs over to me along with the other girls. "Oh my god..."

I try to call out to her but I can't.

My body aches and in starting to lose consciousness.

Right before I feel as I may not survive, I see the room spin. I can see Harry running over to my side. Then I black out.

Sorry for the short chapter! But seriously serious guys go check out @Sammy_Cakes story "The Rebels."

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