Change My Mind

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Brianna's POV

"Hello sweetheart!" My grandmother greets me and my mother as she walks into the cabin.

"Grandma!" My twelve year old self runs up to her and gives her a hug.

"I missed you both! Oh how's Alan dear?" My grandmother speaks to my mother.

"He's fine, mom. He's just busy at work so he couldn't visit. But he tells me to say hello!" My mother answers with a smile.

"Sandra darling? Is that you?" My grandfather walks into the room and as soon as he sees her his face lights up like he's just seen her for the first time and he has just fallen in love all over again.

He walks over to her and kisses her. They stop and stare at each other for a while and I watch them in amazement with a huge smile on my face.

"I've missed you." He tells her.

"William, I was only gone to get groceries for a few hours." She stops. "But I missed you too."

I smile at them and look up at my mother who is already looking down at me. She gives me a smile.

"Mother." I say.

"Yes darling?"

"I hope someday, that'll be me and someone I love."

(Flashback over)

I smile at the memory and wipe a tear away.

"Bri?" A voice interrupts.

I look at the door to find Harry looking at me with a worried look.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah. I was just thinking." I say as I look down.

He walks over to me and sits next to me on the couch.

"About your grandparents?" He asks.

"Yeah.." I say.

He wraps his arm around my waist and I rest my head on his shoulder. We stay silent for a moment.

"Are you gonna come outside? Louis got a campfire going and everyone's waiting for you." He says.

I pull away. "LOUIS STARTED THE FIRE?" I ask with wide eyes.

Harry laughs. "Well, he may or may not have set his pants on fire in the process."

"Oh my god." I face palm.

"Come on. Lets go." He takes my hand and takes me outside.

Everyone is sitting in chairs around the fire and its staring to get dark out.

"Hey! We were starting to worry about you." Louis says standing up and my eyes go straight to his pants.

"Louis. You're an idiot." I say.

He looks down at his pants. The bottom half of his pants were burnt off and it looked like he was wearing long shorts. I just shake my head and laugh.

I sit down in the open chair next to Eleanor and Harry sits down next to me. Eleanor is sitting next to Louis, Louis is sitting next to Liam, Liam is sitting next to Danielle, Danielle is sitting next to Zayn, Zayn is sitting next to Niall, Niall is sitting next to Sam who is sitting next to Harry.

We all have our own conversations, tell stories, tell some jokes, and just chat about anything. I look at Zayn who is smiling and tapping away at his phone. I've noticed that he's been texting on his phone a lot today. I wonder who he's texting?

My eyes wander from Zayn to the Anderson's campsite and see Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. I smile as I see them having their own campfire. They remind me of my grandparents...

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