Can I Have This Dance

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Zayn's POV

I kicked a rock down the road. Ever since Harry and Brianna left to do whatever it was they were doing my mind has been racing. Did I make a mistake breaking up with her? No, it's for the best... Or is it?

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I had stopped walking. I pulled out my phone.

1 New Message From: Perrie Edwards

I sigh. This time, I wasn't really happy to get a text from her. One of the texts ended my relationship with Brianna. I had ready told her that Brianna and I broke up but I didn't tell her why.

I opened the text message and stared.

From: Perrie

To: Zayn

I really miss you, Zayn. You have no idea... I honestly wish we didn't end things. Even though we barely saw each other we still loved each other. It just felt like the right thing to do at the time...

What the hell does that mean? Does she want to get back together? Do I want to get back together?

I'm still not even sure if it was the right decision breaking up with Brianna. I love both Perrie and Brianna...

I reply saying I missed her too and put my phone in my pocket. I start to walk again but I stop and gasp at the sight before me.

I was staring at the wall of the side of the lodge. It had "Madelyn Lake Resort" and the orange flowers that were by the bathrooms and at the playground spray painted on it. It also had a couple of cabins, a forest, some boats and a lake. It looked so realistic and beautiful... Who did this?

"Admiring Bri's work?" I whip my head around and Danny is leaning on one of the cabins smirking at me.

"Brianna did this?" I asked shocked.

He laughs. "I'm not surprised she didn't tell you she was an artist. She doesn't talk about it much. Especially with people she hasn't known for a while. She's really talented. Isn't she?" He asks walking up to me.

"Yeah. I mean... Just... Wow." Is all I can say while smiling.

"I thought she would at least told you. After all you are her boyfriend."

I stop smiling and look at my shoes.

"You okay man?" Danny walks over to me and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"She hasn't told you yet?" I ask quietly.

"Told me what?"


"We broke up."

More silence.

"Oh. I'm sorry man." He says putting his hand on my shoulder.

More silence.

"May I ask why?" He asks.

I open my mouth to speak but I'm interrupted by laughter.

Danny and I both turn to see Brianna and Harry walking down the road laughing about something.

I feel a pang in my heart. She looks happy... And it's not because of me...

I stare at her and I could see Danny giving me a sad look in the corner of my eye.

Soon, her eyes meet mine and her smile fades.

I give her a weak smile and she does the same. She looks away and keeps walking with Harry into the lodge.

I sigh. "Well, I guess see you later then." I say as I walk away. I take quick glances back at the painting as I walk away.

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