Love Bug

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Brianna's POV

I walked out of the camper dressed in a black shirt that said "Nerd" on it and white shorts. I had my black and white bikini underneath as well.

"Brianna!" Sam runs up to me and gives me a hug. "I just heard about you and Zayn. I'm sorry babe." She whispers in my ear.

I hug her back and she starts to rub my back. "Thanks Sam."

We stand there hugging for a long while before we are interrupted by Harry.

"You ready to go?" I let go of Sam and turn my head and see Harry leaning up against a tree with one hand behind his back.

I look around at everyone and they are giving me sympathetic looks.

"Guys stop." I say.

"Stop what sweetie?" El says with a weak smile.

"Stop looking at me like that." I say sternly.

They all quickly look away. I hear footsteps behind me and I turn and I freeze.

"Oh. Hey." Zayn says scratching his neck.

I bite my lip. "Hi."

I could feel the awkwardness in the air.

"Well we better go." Harry says walking up to me and grabbing my arm.

Zayn gives him a weird look. "And where exactly are you two going?"

"Harry and I are gonna spend the day together." I say not looking at him.

Zayns look turns sad. "Oh."

I didn't want to stay any longer. I grabbed Harry's arm and dragged him down the hill.

"Hey you okay?" He stops me when we get down the hill.

I look up at him and smile. "Now I am."

He smiles back. I notice he still has his hand behind his back.

"What's that?" I ask pointing.

"Oh, um, they didn't have flowers at the lodge so I had to improvise." He takes his hand out from behind his back. "I heard you liked Slim Jim's."

I look at it and I start laughing.

In his hand was a bouquet of Slim Jim's with an orange flower in the middle tied together with a rubber band.

"Oh. My. God. That's. Awesome." I say between laughs.

He smiles and I stop laughing. He hands me the bouquet and I smile at it.

"Why didn't you just pick more of the orange flowers that were by the bathrooms?" I ask.

"Because they were flowers that were by the bathrooms." He laughs. "Plus, Sam said to feed you Slim Jim's when you are sad."

I smile. "That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me."

We start to walk again. I first take a picture of the bouquet because its a fucking bouquet of Slim Jim's and that's just awesome to me and then I take one and start eating it.

"So. What are we doing today?" I ask him taking a bite of my Slim Jim.

"Well I was thinking we could go get lunch at the lodge first. Then maybe we could go paddle boating?" He answers.

"Sounds good to me. But we have to be back before six." I say.

"Why?" He asks me.

"Because I-" I stop. Crap. Did Louis say I could tell anyone?

"Because you what?" He asks confused.

"You'll find out later tonight." I smirk.

"Nooo tell me now." He begs.

"No." I cross my arms.

"Pwease." He curls his bottom lip.

"I promised someone I would do something for them. That's all I'm telling you." I say.

He stops walking but I continue to walk. I stop and almost trip because Harry had gotten on the ground and grabbed my leg.

"Harry get off of me." I say trying to pull my leg away.

"Just tell me."


"Oh come on Bri."


He gets off of my leg and pouts.

"Good boy." I say. He starts to smirk at me and walks towards me slowly.

"Then I'll have to tickle it out of you." He says getting closer.

My eyes go wide. I drop my Slim Jim and start to run. I hear him running after me but I don't look back. I run into the Anderson's campsite and run into Mrs. Anderson.

"Oh! Hello darling!" She smiles at me.

"I need somewhere to hide. I look around frantically as I hear Harry's footsteps grow louder.

"What for dear?" She asks me concerned.

I don't have time to explain so I run behind a tree as soon as Harry turns the corner and runs into the campsite.

"Oh hello Mrs. Anderson. Have you seen Brianna? I thought I saw her come through here." I hear Harry say.

"Oh she did. She just ran through the campsite and ran towards the bathrooms." Mrs. Anderson says.

I walk to the other side of the tree as soon as Harry runs towards the bathrooms.

"Phew. Thank you. You saved me from being tickled to death." I say.

"I'm afraid not, dear." She says.

I look at her confused then a pair of arms wrap around my waist and I scream.

I turn around to find Harry smirking at me.

"Thank you Mrs. Anderson for pointing out what tree she was hiding behind." He says.

I turn to her and she laughs. "Of course dear."

"Helen!" I yell before Harry pushes me onto the ground and starts tickling me.

I'm on the ground and Harry is on top of me and tickling me. I'm laughing so hard I start to cry.

"Tell me!"


He stops tickling me and I catch my breath.

"Tell me and I'll stop tickling you."

"No I'm not-" I try to say but he starts to tickle me again.

"H-Harry s-stop!" I say between laughs.

"Then tell me!"

"What is going on out here?" I hear George yell as he walks out of the camper.

"George do you remember when we used to be like that?" Helen says.

"Ah yes. It ended up in our first kiss."

Harry stops tickling me and we both look over towards the Anderson's and then we look back at each other and I blush.

Before Harry could tickle me again, I grab both his arms. "Okay I'll tell you." I finally give in.

Harry smirks and helps me up. I wipe the dirt off of me before I tell him.

"I have to help Louis with something." I say.

Harry raises an eyebrow. "Help him with what?"

"Proposing to Eleanor."

Harry's jaw drops. "Really?! Oh my Boobear is growing up! Wait, why do you have to help him?"

"I'm playing the guitar while he sings to her." I say.

"Oh darling its been so long since we've heard you play the guitar!" Helen says and both Harry and I turn our heads towards her. "Won't you play for us?"

"You play the guitar?" Harry turns to me.

"Yeah. But Helen, I don't have a guitar with me right now." I say

"Use mine." George says walking out of the camper with his guitar.

I take his guitar and sit down on a chair by the fire pit and Harry sits down next to me.

I contemplate for a moment on what to play, then I think of one of my favorite songs.

I start to strum the guitar and I start to sing.

"Called you for the first time yesterday
I finally found the missing part of me
I felt so close but you were far away
Left me without anything to say"

The Anderson's start to dance with each other and I smile. I begin to sing the next verse but I'm caught off guard and stop when Harry starts to sing.

"Now I'm speechless over the edge, I'm just breathless
I never thought that I'd catch this lovebug again
Hopeless, head over heels in the moment
I never thought that I'd get hit by this lovebug again"

I smile at him and turn my head to watch the Anderson's who are happily dancing in each others arms. I turn back to Harry who starts to sing again.

"I can't get your smile out of my mind
(I can't get you outta my mind)
I think about your eyes all the time
You're beautiful but you don't even try
(You don't even, don't even try)
Modesty is just so hard to find"

I start to sing with him and I'm staring at him. He catches me staring and I can't seem to look away from those green eyes. So we just stare into each others eyes as we sing.

"Now I'm speechless over the edge, I'm just breathless
I never thought that I'd catch this lovebug again
Hopeless, head over heels in the moment
I never thought that I'd get hit by this lovebug again

I kissed her for the first time yesterday
Everything I wished that it would be
Suddenly I forgot how to speak
Hopeless, breathless, baby can't you see?"

Harry smirks before he practically screams "NOW IM"


I laugh and continue to play the guitar. We start to sing again while staring into each others eyes again.

"Now I'm speechless over the edge, I'm just breathless
I never thought that I'd catch this lovebug again
Now I'm hopeless, head over heels in the moment
I never thought that I'd get hit by this lovebug again

Love bug again."

I get lost in his eyes throughout the whole song. I'm startled when the Anderson's start clapping.

"Beautiful as always Brianna." George says but I don't pay attention. I just can't look away from those beautiful green eyes.

I guess we were staring at each other for too long.

"Umm hello?" Helen says and we both snap out of the trance.

"Oh sorry." I say and Harry and I blush.

The Anderson's are giving us weird looks.

Then Helen turns to George.

"Honey, does that look familiar to you?" She says with a smirk.

"Why yes indeed it does." He replies.

Harry and I share a look.

"Um, what?" I ask.

Helen smiles at me before she answers.

"You two remind us of your grandparents."

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