Chapter 1 - Dead redhead?🚫

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WARNING: Hi everyone, I wrote this story a long time ago so it's really not an example of my best work. Still, I hope you enjoy. x —2021

A/N hi guys, i know loads of people make twilight/TVD crossovers but here's mine, hope you enjoy.
Symone Xx

Edited: 04/02/2017

Bellas pov.
The love of my existence left me, i am not sure how i will mend my broken heart from this event but I suppose he is right, he does deserve better than me, I am a flawed, lowly human. I hope he finds happiness even if i am unable to. Within this moment, I am so captured in my own mind that i am ignorant to the sound of footsteps approaching until the owner of the sounds appears, Victoria.

Elena POV
We have travelled all the way from mystic falls to this dreary town, a town filled with rain and no good fashion stores, we all run swiftly through the forest on our way to a lake that Damon came across,  i ride on his back. Caroline carries Bonnie and Jeremy uses his hunter speed. Matt doesn't come , neither does Alaric and Jenna because they just want to unpack the new house. As we travel the vampires halt abruptly, they must be hearing something that we cannot.

Caroline POV
On the way to the lagoon we hear a scream, far in the distance, after a moments pause we all dash in the direction, once there, we see the owner of the scream. A 17 year old girl lies on the floor with what appears to be a vampire bite mark. A women stands over her , her hair flaming red and eyes equally fiery. I instantly recognize her as a "cold one". We are traditional vampires but somewhere along the line they evolved to be ...well, like her. Damon runs forward and rips the head off the red head whilst Elena runs to the injured girl.

Bella POV
I spot a crowd of people, could they be vampires? All i know is the dark haired male was strong enough to rip off Victoria's head, i am grateful. A girl runs forward, she looks a lot like me only she has tanned skin and straight hair. I don't know what to do so i stand and shuffle backwards.

"It's okay, we won't hurt you" the girl says as she sees me retreat. She looks about 18 or 19 years old.

"Speak for yourself" the dark haired guy mutters, that gets him a whack around the head from a blonde girl, their relationship reminds me of that of Rosalie and Emmett.

"Ignore him" a tanned girl ushered whilst stepping forward, i don't know why but i feel as though i can trust these people, finally I stop walking backwards. "What is your name?"

"Isabella Marie Swan, you can call me Bella" i say whilst looking at my scuffed shoes. In sync; they all smile.

"Okay Bella, i am Elena Gilbert, this is my brother Jeremy." The first girl says whilst pointing at a bulky boy behind her in the treeline.

"I am Stefan Salvatore and this is my brother Damon" a brown haired boy says whilst pointing at the man who decapitated Victoria.

"I am Caroline Forbes and that girl in Bonnie Bennett" Blondie says whilst pointing at the tanned girl.

"I'm Tyler Lockwood" a tanned boy grinned at me, he reminded me of Emmett with his goofy smile and pearly teeth.

"What are you doing out here in the forest alone" Stefan asks curiously. My heart splits in two when i remember what had happened. We were currently in the meadow, Edward left three months ago, Victoria had killed Charlie and Renee a month ago and i had come here to get some closure . i just wanted to be happy. And i desperately wanted to be healed as blood was still pouring down my neck. The people seemed to notice the blood and Damon stepped forward and bit his wrist, blood came from his wrist and he shoved it into my mouth, what the hell. He was making me drink his blood, just then my neck healed. Wow.

"So?" Damon encouraged. I took a deep breath maybe it would help to talk about it, instantly my new friends sat on the dewy grass as i started my sad story.

"My parents divorced and i went to live with mum, she remarried and they travelled a lot so i moved in with my father, Charlie. I went to high school and i met a family..." I continued telling my whole story. "A few months ago Edward told me he was leaving. His whole family left, my father and i got a phone call saying Renee had been killed, a few weeks after that Victoria came, she killed Charlie right in front of me and then left me to grieve, i came here as an attempt to get closure, it failed. I want to thank you Damon for killing her" i completed my story. They all sat staring in shock. I just shrugged and looked at my hands.

"Where do you live now?" Jeremy asks smiling at me.

" mostly. Charlie left me a bit of money but i soon started to run out so i had to sell the house." I look down as a tear rolls down my pale cheek. Moments later i am engulfed in a warm hug by Caroline, Elena and Bonnie.

"I have an idea, we all live in a mansion not far from here, we live with Elena's aunt and her boyfriend"

"Don't forget the washed up jock" Damon added with a smirk but Stefan ignored him and continued.

"Come and live with us" Stefan finishes grinning and everybody nods frantically at me.

"I guess i could" i grin at them.

A/N okay, very long chapter. Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading, update coming soon. :)
Symone Xx

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