Chapter 98- Hotel🏙

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Bella slouched down the stairs looking exceedingly tired but pushed it away when she entered the kitchen, her thoughts turned to blood and she went to the fridge and took out two bags, one was clearly labeled 'animal' but she hesitated, her eyes glancing at the people blood. It'd been a long time since she'd tried drinking people blood but she wasn't sure if she could digest it yet, Dorian had done something to her when he made those men kidnap her, everything vampire related within her seemed to lessen slightly.

"Bella?" Katherine asked from behind the brunette and she turned quickly, forcing the blood behind her back so that Katherine wouldn't see her but her face looked like a child who'd been caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

"Yes?" She queried suspiciously and smiled sweetly, trying to hide the guilty look on her face, she didn't want anyone to know about the blood yet but Katherine always found out everything.

"I can smell the people blood Belle" she smirked, she'd fallen into the habit of calling Bella, Belle. It was due to Dorian's freak nightmare trip.

"Oh, yeah" she smiled sheepishly and put the blood in the freezer again, before downing a glass on animal blood. "Did you fall asleep last night?" Bella asked as they both sat at the dining table opposite one another.

"Yeah" Katherine grinned.

"And it worked?"

"Yeah, it's weird, falling asleep there is like falling asleep in the real world for normal people, did I miss anything?"

"You missed a lot actually"


"Wait, Dorian has been the cause of everything? This whole time?" The doppelganger gasped after Bella had dropped the Dorian bomb on her.

"Yep, absolutely everything" she groaned and drank more blood.

"How can he control everything we do? Why does he?" The older brunette growled in agitation, stealing the blood from Bella and downing it before chocking, realising it was animal not people.

"He says we're his dolls"

"Dolls? Okay, we are living people! ...kinda, he can't just treat us like toys, we're not his possessions." Katherine ranted.

"Well according to him we are, and as far as he's concerned, he can do anything to us and get away with it"

"I don't want to be his doll!" The doppelganger yelled as the original brothers entered the room, they froze in confusion before sitting at the table also.

"Who's being a doll? To who?" Elijah queried his beloveds words as he slung his suited arm around her slim shoulders.

"We're just his dolls" Bella remarked, sadly, he was in their heads, there was nothing the originals could do to rid him from third lives.

"Something tells me he isn't going to stop playing with the dolls" Katherine completed. Bella slid onto the marble counter top, her eyes directed downwards as she thought. Klaus walked up to her, standing between her legs and pulling her chin upwards to look st him.

"Hey, Dorian can't hurt you, it's all in your head and I'm here for you, I love you" he left no room for argument as he pressed his mouth onto her lips in a passionate kiss.

"I love you to" she mumbled against his lips and he smiled, his arms wrapping around her legs.

"How about we go out today?" Elijah queried and Klaus grinned at the idea.

"Explore the sights?" The immortal hybrid suggested and the girls nodded happily in agreement, that was going to be a good day.


Bella unbuckled her seatbelt with an overjoyed expression adorning her features, she was insanely excited for the day out, it had been a while since she'd been anywhere with Nik and she looked forward to it. During their discussion in the kitchen; the day trip got extended into a weekend getaway and a stay in a high class hotel.

"We're here love" Klaus whispered to his sleeping fiance, they'd had to travel for a few hours to reach the desired location and his beautiful love had fallen asleep. She turned over whilst mumbling causing him to lightly chuckle and exit the car, they had parked in a gravelled parking lot beside Elijahs Mercedes.

"Is she asleep?" Elijahs voice question and the hybrid turned to see his brother unloading two suitcases from the back if his car. Klaus nodded and Elijah chuckled, followed by confirming that Katherine was also.

"How long are we staying?" The younger brother queries as he unloads the car, wheeling a red suitcase along with a blue toward Bella's car door.

"However long we wish'' Elijah remarked with a smirk.

" they've been through so much, they need this" the hybrid justified and Elijah couldn't possibly agree more, he knew that one day the ladies would fully explain the situation involving Dorian but in the mean time, they'd protect them in any way possible.

"Right let's do this" the blond original smiled and opened Bella's door, lightly shaking her and calling her name. "Come on sweetheart, we've arrived" Klaus informed and she groaned and fluttered her eyes open, looking around (still half asleep) and suddenly she began crying.

"Hey, hey what's wrong? Its okay" Nik cooed and embraced her, he knew that she was only sad because she'd woken up and not known where she was, not to mention the fact that she was still half asleep.

"I'm fine" she sniffed, jumping groggily from the car and tugging on her sleeves nervously before taking her red suitcase and walking toward the hotel, only to be stopped by her fiances arms around her waist.

"You don't have to be strong with me darling, I can see right through it, its okay to show sadness." He mumbled to her and she nodded, inhaling his mouthwatering scent and grabbing his large hand in hers.

"Let's go in then" Katherine's voice was heard, her and Elijah had walked up behind them as they spoke. The four vampires nodded and smiled before entering the grand hotel.

✔️| My True Family (A Twilight / TVD /TO Crossover)(K.M Love Story) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now