Chapter 27- Vicious brunette👩

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Bella was angry, beyond angry, she felt pure hate towards the werewolf girl. Something about the venom had changed her, her emotions seemed to be all over the place, overreacting.

"Leave us Hayley" Klaus growled, equally irritated. Hayley huffed in annoyance as Elijah entered the room, he noticed everyone's murderous expressions and backed up slightly.

"Why are you flirting with her Nicky? I'm the one pregnant with your baby, we are meant to be together" the wolf pouted and the vampires of the room felt like laughing.

"I'm flirting with her because she's beautiful" Klaus stated, staring intently into Bella's gorgeous violet coloured eyes.

"No! She's ugly!" Hayley screeched, Rebekah entered suddenly and smiled happily when she noticed drama unfolding. Hayley was lucky to still be alive considering Bella's expression, the only thing stopping her from ripping Hayley's head from her shoulders was Klaus who was holding her tightly, he might hate Hayley but he wanted his child.

"Leave before you find yourself 6 feet under" Bella growled venomously, she went to lunge forward at Hayley but Elijah also held her back, she seemed stronger than Klaus and Elijah put together, noticing this; Hayley quickly exited with a smirk.

Rebekah ran in front of Bella, capturing her face in Her hands. She looked into Bella's eyes, trying to calm her via compulsion but it was to no avail.

"Relax" Rebekah ordered out loud, her pupils dilating, she knew for a fact that Bella was incapable of being compelled but she thought it was worth a try.

"I've gotta get out of here" Bella growled and was suddenly no longer in the room, Klaus went to chase after her but Rebekah grabbed his bicep, successfully stopping his advances.

"I'll handle this" the female original snapped and raced after the young vampire heretic before anybody could say otherwise.

Rebekah soon found Bella, she was sat at the base of a wide oak tree, she had her back pressed tightly against the rough bark and her sweet face pressed into her petite hands.

"Bells" Rebekah was wary of talking, afraid that the girl would snap and become viscous again. Thankfully she did not.

"What's wrong with me?" Isabella sobbed and soon found herself in Rebekah's arms, tightly wrapped in the larger girls embrace.

"Nothing! Why would you ask that?" The blonde questioned the fragile Brunette.

"Ever since i returned, i can't feed Bekah! It keeps coming back up! I keep trying! And my emotions!...i feel like I'm going to kill everyone, I'm so hungry Bekah!" She sobbed and her chest heaved painfully. Her breathing was scratchy.

"Oh my gosh, why the bloody hell didn't you tell one of us?!" She demanded, afraid for her sister.

"Because you guys have enough to deal with right now with the witches and Hayley." Bella sobbed harder. "I keep getting flashbacks to when I was with...Marcus" she stated, rubbing away her tears and trying to be strong.

"We have to tell my brothers!" Rebekah demanded, knowing they'd find a way to help.

"No! They don't need to be worried about me! I'm fine, Rebekah promise me you won't say anything!" Bella begged, pulling out the puppy dog eyes and referencing girl code.

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