Chapter 75- Christmas (2)🎊

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Bella, Katherine, Rebekah and Caroline were dancing around the kitchen whilst cooking the customary Christmas dinner, they were all working on different things but all chatted happily. The men were elsewhere doing god knows what. The Cullens had gone for some family time in the extremely large library which was on the opposite end of the property, they were not to be attending the Christmas feast as they couldn't eat.

"How are you doing Bella? Honestly?" Caroline asked, ever the eager beaver. Rebekah whacked her arm harshly causing her to wince. Klaus had strictly forbidden any of them to discuss the baby but Caroline knew that it was better for Bella to get it all out of her system sooner rather than later.

"I'm not okay" she finally uttered the words she'd been wishing to express since receiving the bad news, it saddened her to lie and speak otherwise to her family but she didn't want to but a damper on the day and she definitely did not wish to upset Nik, he was handling it amazingly.

"Let it out" Caroline encouraged as tears began falling down Bella's cheeks. The older two female stood in the back looking wary.

"I can't help but imagine what could of been, this was my chance to have what i wanted, to give him what he wanted but it's gone, it's all gone!" She whisper yelled, if she spoke too loudly the males of the household would hear her wailing.

"You're spiralling Bella, we can help" Caroline delivered the brutal truth and the elder women face palmed, Caroline was not good with expressing things gently.

"God! I'm not spiralling, I'm drowning, wallowing." She almost yelled but Rebekah clamped her hand over the brunettes mouth to stop the loud noise.

"Izzy, hey , go upstairs and relax, calm down and we'll handle the food, just go and relax darling." Katherine encouraged, having Bella this worked up was never a good thing because her magic could flare at any moment.

"Are you sure? I can help?" She suggested, gesturing the food but they protested and all but forced her from the kitchen. She sighed and walked upstairs to her room, on the way she felt a cold hand grab her wrist she turned to see the one person she didn't want to see, Edward Cullen.

"I'm so not in the mood for this conversation, wrong day, wrong time. See ya" she sassed and sashayed away, continuing up the stairs and slamming the door, pressing her back to it and sliding to the floor. She released a heavy sigh and sat there for what felt like eternity. Eventually she stood up and walked to the window, all four men of the household stood outside on the back lawn by the large lake that occupied the area.

Damon was talking to Klaus and doing jazz hands. Stefan and Elijah appeared to be choking with laughter whilst Klaus stood looking unamused. As if feeling her gaze, Klaus turned toward the house to see Bella standing in their bedroom window watching them, he grinned and waved at her. She waved back timidly and smiled sadly. He then frowned and began walking back to the house.

Bella fell back onto the bed, her arms spread on either side of her as her mind pondered over the events which had occupied her life, it was Christmas and it saddened her that she was confined in her room at this time. After a short internal argument she stood, put on a happy face and began bounding down the stairs, as she reached the bottom she saw Nik walking toward her, she ran towards him and jumped, wrapping her legs around his waist. He chuckled and kissed her, happy to see her smiling.

"Hello my love" the hybrid chuckled happily, carrying her into the lounge where her beloved family were sat around, playing a game of charades. They all laughed as Damon waved his arms dramatically.

"What's the category?" Bella asked as Klaus sat with her in his lap on the couch. Everyone turned to look at her, the girls were happy to see her lightened mood.

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